City Councillor Bills Taxpayers $904 For Partisan Elections Strategy Conference (Feat. Shelley Carroll)

Hey, big spender!

When it comes to expense reports, Shelley Carroll is one of city council’s big spenders- the representative of Ward 33 has little respect for Toronto taxpayers, consistently spending more than average. In November 2010, this website covered her outrageous expenses for building a website created by a militant labour allied company who didn’t even deliver it on time.

But what should we expect from a member of the Toronto Police Services Board who hired an unrepentant ex-convict who directed protesters to smash windows during the 2010 G20? Or the city councillor who encouraged the complainants in the Gregory Alan Elliott case to “cyber bully” just a few weeks before they started spreading around rumours and misleading the police to believe he was a paedophile? Or a counsellor who runs away when a citizen asks her a hard question in city hall?

The answer is not much, Carroll serves the labour movement more than she serves the people of her constituency- and she’s not afraid to spend taxpayer’s money to fund her partisan activities. Her recent expense report, besides including a few hundred dollars of mileage charges for her ex-con assistant, gives us more evidence of Carroll’s disregard for the city’s taxpayers. Carroll actually had the nerve to expense $904 for a highly partisan election strategy conference.

In April 2015 the radical-left partnered with rad-left magazine Canadian Dimension to hold “Firing Up The Left”, a political strategy meeting run by political strategist and University of California, Berkeley professor George Lakoff. The event was held at the Centre for Social Innovation, the hub for Toronto radicals where Carroll encouraged members of Women in Toronto Politics to start “cyber-bullying” people (video is above).

The event was promoted as an opportunity to “Recharge your progressive batteries just in time for #elxn42.” Lakoff taught participants how to use the “Ganz Method,” an elections strategy created by Harvard professor Marshall Ganz, the man credited with creating the “grassroots organising model” behind Obama’s successful 2008 campaign.

Elections strategy taught at the conference included:

• How to frame your debate to change minds on an issue
• Connect these frames to audience and community-building techniques
• How to develop better strategies for campaigning
• Learn strategies to get closer to your community
• Develop strategies to change how this issue is debated
• Learn not to speak to the conservative agenda
• Strategies to incorporate your values into the issues
• Learn to view your audience as your community and engage them\

Steph Guthrie's ex-room-mate Jonathan Goldsbie was there too...

Steph Guthrie’s ex-room-mate Jonathan Goldsbie was there too…

Jonathan Goldsbie of NOW Magazine, an enthusiastic and close supporter of Carroll’s, reported on the event. He explained how Carroll and fellow city councillor Mike Layton attended the, how the two councillors were big fans of Lakoff’s- and how both have ordered and handed around copies of his book (it’s unknown who paid for them).

Goldsbie also shared a quote from failed NDP candidate Jennifer Hollett that demonstrated just how partisan the event was:

“When it comes to communication, the Conservatives are extremely effective – and evil – but extremely effective communicators”

Many people would say it’s innately evil for a member of the police board to hire an unrepentant ex-con, we’ll discuss that more in the very near future. But, for today’s example of evil, Carroll actually had the nerve to bill taxpayers for her cost of attending this highly-partisan event:

Hey big spender!

Hey big spender!

Curiously, demonstrating he has slightly more common sense than Carroll, Mike Layton’s expense forms didn’t include charges for the event. But, somehow, Carroll thought it was okay to bill taxpayers $904 for a partisan event that would assist her with her campaigning. How could this ever be acceptable?

Stay tuned for more coming up on Carroll soon, and some highly disturbing incidents connecting the police board to hardcore criminal activists- including two who are currently facing charges for “endangering life” after sabotaging Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. Shelley Carroll is dangerous…

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  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Rob Ford get kicked out of office (albeit briefly) for using public resources to solicit funds for a private charity? Yet, she can blatantly use tax payers money to fund her own politically motivated endeavours with impunity? I think I’m seeing a double standard there.

    Greg, I’ve been meaning to ask you. As an Englishman and a casual follower of the bewildering number of left wing organizations the UK has to offer (we call it the Life of Brian syndrome), I’ve been amazed to see how they’ve recently managed to infiltrate and subvert the Labour Party into adopting an extreme and ultimately suicidal far left agenda. Although there was a fairly unique conspiracy of circumstances which enabled the left to take over the Opposition, I was wondering if you could ever imagine seeing such blatant entryism of the same scale happening here in Canada?

    Many thanks sir, keep up the good work!

    1. Hi, thanks for the encouragement! And welcome fellow Englishman, I come from Greenwich (but don’t speak English any longer, only Canadian now).

      Yes, it’s very similar to what Ford was criticised and equally similar to what our new mayor John Tory was criticised for supporting the telecom industry. Carroll is backed by the labour movement industry, and she’s just as blatant with her support for them as Tory was for telecoms. This is something I need to write about one day…

      As for the entryism, Canada has its fair share. Our version of Labour, the NDP, has been dealing with it for some time now. They managed to shake out the entryists during the early 1970’s when radicals tried to take over with a group called The Waffle. The NDP’s Jeremy Corbyn’s are trying to shake-up the party right now, wacko NDP’er Cheri Dinovo (famous for smuggling LSD in bibles in her past) recently helped lead an attack against their leader Tom Mulcair. The party has managed to shake off the entryists until now, but I fear their Corbyn moment is coming in the future…

  2. Hi Greg, I’m slowly starting to get more familiar with the NDP the longer I’m here, and they certainly do seem to have their fair share of highly questionable characters.

    I’m also starting to get more familiar with the labour movement too. As a management employee at Toronto Hydro, I see them sharpening their knives for an upcoming fight about privatization. If you ever feel like a good laugh, I’d highly recommend reading the quarterly ‘Bulletin’ newsletter that is available on the Cupe Local One website. It reads like it was written by a 16 year old communist who’s just discovered pot and Che Guevara.

    • The Lurker on February 23, 2016 at 17:28
    • Reply

    Two things. A ‘clinic’ is simply a gathering of doctors. It does not always mean bricks and mortar. Second, refugee resettlement is the SJW gravy train so not surprised.

    Oh and Martha is the spitting image of Vivian James.

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