Fiji Water Swilling Climate Hypocrite Stands Up For Line 9 Saboteurs!

Clayton Thomas-Muller with convicted G20 ringleader Alex Hundert in March 2015

Clayton Thomas-Muller with convicted Toronto 2010 G20 ringleader Alex Hundert in March 2015

In a startling revelation that further demonstrates that the wrong people are leading Canadian climate activism,’s jet-setting Fiji Water connoisseur Clayton Thomas-Muller stood out in solidarity with yesterday’s Line 9 pipeline saboteurs. The announcement was posted on the NGO’s website by employee Cameron Fenton, the incorrigibly stupid climate activist who recently pulled the race card on Vegans who tell other’s not to eat meat.

Responding to the protester’s criminal charges for Mischief over $5,000, Mischief Threatening Life, and Resisting Arrest; 350’s high flyer declared “The real danger here is the tar sands, not peaceful activists taking action because of Canada’s abject failure to adequately consider the real impacts of tar sands pipelines.” Yes, folks, one of Canada’s top environmentalists just tried to justify a group of misguided idiots who took the risk of damaging Ontario’s environment.

Thomas-Muller recently started full-time at, he was previously with the Indigenous Environmental Movement, an American offshoot of the American Indian Movement led by Tom Goldtooth- both received funding from foundations including Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Turner Foundation, and TIDES. Thomas-Muller has also been active with labour movement events including the Unifor sponsored Jobs Justice Climate march this summer.

Thomas-Muller has been tracked by the RCMP since 2010 along with other environmental extremists who’ve visited the Unist’ot’en Camp in Northern BC, a Council of Canadians sponsored anarchist group that threatens physical force against pipeline workers. Vanessa Gray, who was arrested and charged last night, traveled to the Unist’ot’en camp in 2014.

Protesters Vanessa Gray, Sarah Scanlon, and Stone Stewart were released all three on their own recognizance on Tuesday morning. No news is available on their release conditions. [Click here for a full-sized chart]

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    • songhees on December 22, 2015 at 20:06
    • Reply

    I would like to tell you of my latest book and documentary.
    ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
    My latest documentary and video of my presentation.
    My website is
    Thank you.

    • Allan L on December 25, 2015 at 23:43
    • Reply

    He went full retard.

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