A short while ago Rising Tide Toronto sent out an alert that “a group of individuals from the Six Nations & their allies” have occupied a Line 9 maintenance site in North Dumfries. Pictures that are circulating indicate that at least four indigenous protesters are on-site, and some familiar anarchist “settler allies”. Rising Tides’ alert says …
Tag: Six Nations
Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/07/17/breaking-six-nations-occupy-line-9-in-north-dumfries-feat-dave-vasey-trish-mills/
Feb 28
Is unifor Continuing The CAW’s Tradition Of Appropriating Indigenous Voices? (Feat. Shawn Brant)
Tragic news came this week when Loretta Saunders’ body was found dumped outside in the woods. Saunders is a Inuk woman who was writing her thesis on missing and murdered indigenous women at St Mary’s University in Halifax. Police have charged Victoria Henneberry and Blake Leggette with her murder- both sublet Saunder’s apartment after she moved in with …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/28/is-unifor-continuing-the-caws-tradition-of-appropriating-indigenous-voices-feat-shawn-brant/
Jul 12
Occupy Toronto Promotes Indigenous Abusing Con-Artist (feat. Kevin Annett, Carrie Lester & Judy Rebick)
It’s widely known that the remaining hangers-on at Occupy Toronto are a clueless bunch, as I described them yesterday, they’re a lot like the Japanese soldiers who were found hiding away a couple decades after WWII who didn’t know that the war was over. If you’ve ever wondered how stupid (or corrupt) OT’s remaining members …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/12/occupy-toronto-promotes-indigenous-abusing-con-artist-feat-kevin-annett-carrie-lester-judy-rebick/
Jun 25
[Updated] Is CBC Hamilton’s Reporting On The Enbridge Occupation Clueless, Biased, Or Worse? (feat. Hamilton Police)
UPDATE: One of the two people in this picture was originally identfied as Taylor Flook, who has written to me to say it wasn’t her. I am currently waiting for comment from her on who the other person is alleged to be… ______________________ It’s been frustrating watching CBC Hamilton’s coverage of the Enbridge pipeline hijacking. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/25/is-cbc-hamiltons-reporting-on-the-enbridge-occupation-clueless-biased-or-something-more-feat-hamilton-police/
Jun 20
[Updated] The Occupy And G20 Anarchists Behind The Scene At The Enbridge Pipeline Hijacking…
UPDATE: The Media Co-Op has removed Trish Mills’ story from their website. A cached version is available here. A group of people have occupied a pipeline pumping station today. Enbridge has put in an application to reverse the flow of “Line 9” from the current east-to-west, to carry oil from west-to-east. The protesters are concerned …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/20/the-occupy-toronto-anarchists-behind-the-scene-at-the-enbridge-pumping-station-occupation/