[UPDATED] Violent, Racist, Anti-Semitic, Hate Broadcast Live From Ryerson University On Saturday…

UPDATE: The video was taken down by YouTube for a violation of “hate speech”- this says a lot. Scroll down to the bottom for more updates, and a re-posting of the video. UPDATE 2: Billy has made an apology today, said it was a moment of weakness. But, looking into his Twitter feed, he seems …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/14/violent-racist-antisemetic-hate-broadcast-live-from-ryerson-university-on-saturday/

Why It’s Wrong To Support The Enbridge Pipeline Hijackers (Especially if you’re an environmentalist…)

Some breaking news on the pipeline hijacking in Flamborough. New videos were released by the Hamilton Spectator that give more insight into the hijackers and their lack of respect for civil society- things are getting very interesting. But equally, things are looking potentially dangerous- some of Ontario’s most notorious militant cop haters now have control of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/21/why-its-wrong-to-support-the-enbridge-pipeline-hijackers-even-if-youre-an-environmentalist/

[Updated] The Occupy And G20 Anarchists Behind The Scene At The Enbridge Pipeline Hijacking…

UPDATE: The Media Co-Op has removed Trish Mills’ story from their website. A cached version is available here. A group of people have occupied a pipeline pumping station today. Enbridge has put in an application to reverse the flow of “Line 9” from the current east-to-west, to carry oil from west-to-east. The protesters are concerned …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/20/the-occupy-toronto-anarchists-behind-the-scene-at-the-enbridge-pumping-station-occupation/

May Day Mayhem Part I: How Militant Anarchist Socialists Threaten Our Freedoms… (feat. Toronto, Vancouver & Montreal)

Anyone who saw the news about Wednesday night’s incident in Seattle is now aware it was May Day. The violence that occured reminds us that May Day originated out of a terrorist incident. It was 1886 when a group of unionists and police clashed in Chicago’s Haymarket square and someone threw a bomb into the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/05/03/may-day-mayhem-part-i-how-militant-anarchists-are-threatening-our-freedom-feat-toronto-vancouver-montreal/

[UPDATED] Anarchists, Unionists, Mennonites & Porter Airlines Strikers: It’s About Israel, Stupid! (feat. Barrick Gold)

Update: Shortly after I published this article I found a meeting has been announced at OISE on Friday protesting the Jewish National Fund- here’s the link. Update 2: It appears that Porter Airlines is now suing COPE… Update 3: Two days after publishing this article Megan Kinch of the anarchist-led Media Co-Op publishes a very …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/04/16/anarchists-unionists-mennonites-porter-airlines-strikers-its-about-israel-stupid-feat-donald-carty-barrick-gold/

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