Tag: David Eby

Marxist Vanguard Skytrain Police Theatre

Why is it that so many people here believe that the police are ultra-violent fascist monsters- has Canada turned into the US? Well, not quite, as someone who has spent a lot of time in both countries I can say with confidence that I feel much safer around the police here than over there. My …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/09/06/marxist-vanguard-skytrain-police-theatre/

[Updated] Are Canadian Black Bloc Anarchists Working With The Government & Police?

UPDATE: After almost two year’s investigation, I no longer think this is true. Yes, the police aren’t perfect, and the incident at Montebello was indeed real. But, the people behind most of the street violence are members of socialist obedience cults who are out to cause trouble and ‘ignite’ a revolution (at least, in their …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/29/are-canadian-black-blocs-working-with-the-government-police/

Watch Out Canada- Tami Starlight’s (a.k.a. Tami Cameron) Anti-Oppression Tour Is Coming! (feat. Macdonald Stainsby & David Eby!)

  I’ve written a couple of times in the past about Occupy Vancouver’s most violent moment. No, it wasn’t when the tent council started biting firemen and stealing ammunition from the police during the sacred fire. In my opinion, it was the camp’s first Anti-Oppression meeting (or, as it’s lovingly called Anti-O). For those of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/20/watch-out-canada-tami-starlights-anti-oppression-tour-is-coming-feat-macdonald-stainsby-david-eby/

Vancouver Cop Watch Insults, Threatens & Spits Racist Abuse At The Police (feat. David Eby)

You may remember back in June when I covered the story of how Vancouver Cop Watch’s Jennifer Allan hoodwinked Bill Good on CKNW. Jennifer told Good that Cop Watch’s purpose was to politely observe the police, and to build positive relationships with them. I spoke with Jennifer after that, and she told me that there …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/13/vancouver-cop-watch-insults-threatens-spits-racist-abuse-at-the-police-feat-david-eby/

Jason Kenney “Outs” Harsha Walia’s No One Is Illegal!

It’s not every day I agree with Jason Kenney- but, after reading his statement on No One Is Illegal a couple of days ago, I feel a sense of affinity with the guy. He really hit the nail on the head after commenting on a protest they recently held against him…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/12/jason-kenny-outs-harsha-walias-no-one-is-illegal/

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