Tag: David Eby

MediaWatch: Rabble Says Lefty Trolls Don’t Exist! (No, seriously, they actually did!)

I’ve written a lot about Rabble.ca the past few months. They came on my radar after (twice) publishing slanderous lies about me. Both times they took-down the attacks, but they refused to publish retractions. We’ve seen Rabble.ca publish a lot of bullshit since I’ve started following them, like Ethan “80,000” Cox misrepresenting the amount of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/29/mediawatch-rabble-says-lefty-trolls-dont-exist-no-seriously-they-actually-did-feat-judy-rebick/

The Story Behind Sasha Wiley-Shaw And Creepy Bittergrrl… (Feat. David Eby & Tim Lewis)

  As you can see from my letter last night, Vancouver adult educator Sasha Wiley-Shaw (the ‘schoolteacher’ label she’s been using to the press is a put-on) is back in the news again. After digging into the story of her latest antics, it’s a bit like history repeating itself- parts of this story mirror what …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/25/the-story-behind-sasha-wiley-shaw-and-creepy-bittergrrl-feat-david-eby-tim-lewis/

A Letter To Mathew Kagis & “Schoolteacher” Sasha Wiley-Shaw (Apologies please!)

Dear Mathew & Sasha, It has come to my attention that you have made a public accusation of my involvement with a video about Sasha that was posted on YouTube this week. I have to insist that you make an immediate retraction.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/25/a-letter-to-mathew-kagis-schoolteacher-sasha-wiley-shaw-apologies-please/

Occupy Victoria Gone Wild! (feat. Deep Green Resistance, Zoe Blunt, Anushka Nagji & Michael Madlove)

I first used the phrase “gone wild” when I posted the video of Harsha Walia Gone Wild! video- where she promoted the use of violence by the Black Bloc during the 2010 Olympics. I’ve also written about Occupy Vancouver Gone Wild!, where Occupy Vancouver’s old-left contingent tried to take the stage and publicly accuse a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/21/occupy-victoria-gone-wild-feat-deep-green-resistance-zoe-blunt-anushka-nagji-michael-madlove/

My Experience Being Cyber-Bullied (and real-life) At Occupy Vancouver & Toronto…

Initially, I wasn’t going to discuss the Amanda Todd story. With all of the attacks I’ve received from people, and slanderous statements published about me- I was concerned writing about bullying right now would bring some of my previous attackers back for another round. It can be brutal sometimes. So I’ve waited for a few …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/15/my-experience-being-bullied-at-occupy-vancouver-toronto/

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