Here’s a letter I posted to all of the people at Occupy Toronto- that is, all of those who I could reach. It seems, unfortunately, that some of the people who consider themselves as leaders in our leaderless organisation have decided to practice conviction without trial. So, contrary to our agreement, they blocked my ability …
Tag: David Eby
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Feb 22
Conflict of Interest: Civil Liberties and Politicians Don’t Mix I’m currently researching an essay on the politicization of Civil Liberties Associations. Today I found an interesting video by Stimular0r interviewing Laurence Hildes, the head of the National Lawyers Guild. The video discusses David Eby’s denouncement of the Heart Attack incident during the Olympics.
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Feb 17
David Eby: Politician, or Civil Libertarian? (And why he needs to resign..)
I was talking with a couple of people this morning who mentioned that someone had sent an email around Occupy Toronto that was trying to do some ‘damage control’ on my last blog entry. I’ve not seen the letter but I’ve been told that, as usual, Eby’s protectorate were trying to frame him as being …
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Feb 15
The Curious Case of Adam Smolcic, David Eby & the Occupy Movement.
I’ve been holding off on this story for a while- wasn’t sure where it would lead, and thought I’d give it some time to percolate more information became available. I’ve learned a few things since then- and, along with other stories I’ll publish over the next few days, it appears to have a some significance …
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Dec 11
Civil Liberties Czar Endures Cheap Airport Wine! (Or, virtual cream pie hits Eby- Gregor & Quatchi hit with the splatter)
Intrepid renouncer of Ninjas and defender of DTES civil rights David Eby had to endure drinking Bread Garden wine after his flight was delayed. This presumably coming home from what he reported as a trip to Prince George. In his anger, he publicly shamed a great airline by broadcasting a picture of his “keeping it classy with bread …
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