This explains why Krusty Krystalline Kraus has been making-up lies about me- seems she is another one of Judy Rebick’s friends who likes to promote Black Block idiocy…
Tag: Black Bloc
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Apr 23
I’ll Take Lennon Over Trotsky Any Day…
I’m writing this article to clear-up thoughts some people had that I’ve been on a McCarthyist bend these past couple of days. I’ve no problem with Socialism- in fact, I’m proud to live in a (somewhat) socialist country. There are even a number of industries I’d like to see nationalized! (Bell, Telus & Rogers watch …
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Apr 20
Some Advice for People Attending Occupy Toronto’s “Activist Training Weekend” If you have a chance, please make sure you watch this video before you head off to the Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyist Steelworker’s hall this weekend, it may be valuable to use some of your time to watch this video first. Remember, if anything doesn’t make sense, make sure you ask questions! You may also want to …
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Apr 19
How The 5% Hijacked Occupy Toronto (And how they’re 100% illegitimate)
There are a group of people who have been trying to wrestle control of Occupy Toronto from since the beginning- I’ve already referred to them as “the 5%”. It could be possible to argue that they are the people who kick-started the movement, but that would be unfair to the 95% of Toronto’s Occupiers who came with …
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