Tag: Black Bloc

Updated: G20 Anarchist Kelly Pflug-Back Compares Herself To Jesus!

UPDATE: The Case of The Hairy Legs! A story just came out a short while ago about some women who are initiating a G20 lawsuit because they were profiled by the police because they had ‘hairy legs’. There was a quote in the article that immediately caught my attention: According to the lawyer, the provincial …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/g20-anarchist-kelly-pflug-back-compares-herself-to-jesus/

MediaWatch: The Toronto Star Helps Diefy A G20 Criminal…

There’s something that makes me uncomfortable about the Toronto Star’s relationship with the city’s community of radicals. I noticed this the day I arrived in Toronto when they published a hit piece on an Occupier who they labelled as a Member of the 1%. The article caught my attention because something didn’t quite feel right …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/31/mediawatch-the-toronto-star-helps-diefy-a-g20-criminal/

Vancouver Politician Sandy Garossino Has Temper Tantrum- Credibility lost…

  I ran across a rather heated Twitter debate on the TIDES Foundation today- being someone who has followed them closely for a while, I couldn’t help but get involved. Particularly, because the conversation approached the issue of eco-terrorism, as subject I wrote about yesterday in my article about the unintended consequences that could come out …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/30/vancouver-politician-sandy-garossino-has-temper-tantrum-credibility-lost/

MediaWatch: Joshua Blakeney, Robyn Heaslip And Patricia Kelly’s Stó:lo Nation Fish Story on PressTV

  The more I dig into Professor Anthony James Hall’s fish story on Iranian PressTV, the more interesting and tangled the web becomes. Today we introduce a new character, Robyn Heaslip- someone who I learned today I have a relationship with (and I didn’t even know it until now!). This story also includes Joshua Blakeney of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/29/media-watch-joshua-blakeney-robyn-heaslip-and-patricia-kellys-stolo-nation-fish-story-on-presstv/

Video: Is Aurora Shooter James Holmes On The Autism Scale?

  Here’s an interesting speculation from Joe Scarborough on CNBC, who has a son who has Aspergers, speculates whether James Holmes has autism. It is purely speculation, but an interesting possibility. Or, is he just grabbing at straws to fill airtime? Here’s the video…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/24/video-is-aurora-shooter-james-holmes-on-the-autism-scale/

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