Tag: Black Bloc

Why Do Rabble.ca & Krystalline Kraus Keep Promoting Violent, Incarcerated, Criminals?

On the surface, Rabble.ca looks like it could be a respectable publication. They have high-profile writers like Amy Goodman, Jim Stanford and Judy Rebick. They are funded by unions including the Canadian Auto Workers, CUPE, OPSEU and the BCGEU. Considering this, why do they give so much space to people promoting incarcerated violent criminals?

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/why-do-rabble-ca-krystalline-kraus-keep-promoting-violent-incarcerated-criminals/

(Updated!) The Story Of My Stalker, Alex Hundert (featuring Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus)

UPDATE: Krystalline Kraus, of Rabble.ca decided to make my case a bit stronger today- in retaliation for this article, she decided to tweet out Alex Hundert’s website and get it more publicity. Thank you Krystalline, this shows us the quality of journalism at Rabble.ca (meaning, it’s non-existent). ———————————– November 12th, 2011 was the first day …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/the-story-of-my-stalker-alex-hundert-featuring-judy-rebick/

MediaWatch: Terry Milewski At The CBC Twists The Robocall Debate Like Licorice…

I’ve been a bit hesitant about Terry Milewski’s reporting on the Robocall issue. On the one hand, he’s done a good job covering the details- but, equally, I’ve always felt he hasn’t been critical enough of both sides. The Lefties were putting a lot of effort into sensationalizing the Robocall issue as the Right was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/04/mediawatch-terry-milewski-at-the-cbc-twists-the-robocall-debate-like-licorice/

Why Eco-Terrorism Is A Real, And Present, Danger to British Columbia…

There’s been a lot of debate about eco-terrorism this past week. It all came out of an RCMP report that was released on a freedom of information request. Greenpeace was mentioned in this report, and they fought back against it this week– albeit poorly. As usual with the left-right paradigm- both sides of the argument …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/02/why-eco-terrorism-is-a-real-and-present-danger-to-british-columbia/

Updated: The Mystery Of The G20 Hairy Legs Gets Thicker…

UPDATE: The press conference has been held, and I have identified one the the ‘hairy leg 7’. Her name is Alicia Ridge, from Hamilton. I don’t have much information yet- but, have discovered she is a member of the website of the anarchist-run Media Co-Op. More to come… ———————– Yesterday I wrote a quick update …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/01/the-mystery-of-the-g20-hairy-legs-is-solved/

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