My (Personal) Demands!

Dear Occupy Vancouver,

Below is a list of my personal demands. I expect that each and every one of you adhere to these principles, or you will not be welcome on my side of the sandbox:

1.) Violence, including property destruction, will not be a part of the OV movement, or any OV involved movement. Ever! But, strategic use of system jamming is welcome!

2.) We will not wear ninja outfits, balaclavas or masks on the front of our faces-unless in specific situations where it absolutely necessary. Because, in Canada, masks have a history of enabling the government to embarrass our movements.

3.) That we agree any/all provocative acts should have maximal impact on ‘the system’ and minimal impact on ‘the people’.

With that, the 99% will see we are not a threat, and will grow to love us! I promise!


Greg Renouf

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Civil Liberties, Politics, Ninjas & Cream Pies!

David Eby: Got a cream pie in his face

David Eby: Got a cream pie in his face

Shortly after the Olympics, Vancouver was entertained with a type of event I’ll label ‘Ninja theater’. Two participants of Occupy Vancouver were victims of a vicious cream pie attack by Black Bloc apologists…

The attack was intended for David Eby, the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association. He was accompanied by Chris Shaw, UBC Professor, author of anti-Olympic book Five Ring Circus, and a candidate for today’s election!

Eby & Shaw share at least four commonalities- both were involved in anti-Olympic protests, both are involved in Occupy Vancouver, both have spoke out against the Heart Attack incident, and both have had to brush cream pie off of themselves after a (supposed) Black Bloc retaliation.

I wonder what they have to say about our ninjas? Chris Shaw was the first to speak-out last weekend when I asked a panel of candidates if we should use riot squads to shutdown OV. His answer was quick, and the same as the other candidates- A Resounding No!

Guys, can you throw in a word or two about your opinion on the appearance of Black Bloc at OV a couple weeks ago? Why were they there, and how do we make sure they are gone?

That’s how my eyes go too!

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Heart Attack: A tale of Olympian ninjas…

One of the more controversial moments during the Olympics was an incident known inside the ‘professional protester’ circles as “Heart Attack”. You’ve all heard of this incident- a bunch of malcontents wearing ninja costumes smashed the windows of the Hudson Bay Company on Georgia Street.

There is something almost poetic about their choice of victim. The Bay was the tool used by the British monarchy to rape & pillage the original inhabitants of our country.  And the “Anarchist Intelligentsia” have adopted a pro First Nations stance. This is made clear by the incident I mention in the letter I wrote the day after OV’s first planning meeting: Yellow card.

It was also somewhat ironic that The Bay was owned by an American company, NRDC Equity Partners, who were also the owners of Lord & Taylor. So, if they were after the Monarchy, they were a day late and a dollar short. That said, violent ninjas have never been accused of being too intelligent…

Or, are they?

If there is one thing that most people can agree on about Heart Attack, it is that it marked the official peak of anti-Olympic protests. The violence, and ninja costumes, made for very bad PR. The result was that it was acceptable to send police stormtroopers to eradicate the Olympic tent city.

I spoke last night with a couple of the ninjas who had attended Heart Attack. In retrospect, they understood the result of the shenanigans and hooliganism attacking an American retail company. Do you?

More to come…

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The Occupation Documentary: Coming soon, 2012

If there is one thing anyone could look forward to in 2012, it will be the release of The Occupation Documentary by Rafferty Baker and Matthew VanDeventer.

I’ve seen them both at #OccupyVancouver just about every time I’ve been there. Their camera has already helped clear some of  the ambiguity about the presence of the #BlackBlok at OV when they filmed a ninja hitting a police officer in the face with a ‘wooden dowel’

I haven’t been so excited about a movie release since Star Wars! Thanks guys!

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Saxmaniac Announces Occupy Resolution!

Saxmaniac, Darrell Zimmerman, has made a cryptic announcement saying he has “single-handedly” resolved the  Occupy Resolution for Occupy Vancouver!

Saturday Evening, 8PM- be there! (or be uninformed)

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