Documentary Teaser: Hope Is Not A Plan

A good friend told me about Paul Caune recently. She said he was a courageous man who has been fighting against the system for many years now, and could possibly provide me with advice on how to deal with my complaint against Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), and the malpractice of one of their staff.

Coincidentally, I ran across Paul this evening on one of the (many) Occupy Vancouver facebook pages where he posted a link to this trailer/teaser for a documentary that will be released in January 2013. We’re ‘Facebook friends’ now, and I hope I will be able to contribute to his cause in the future…

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Socialist (Marxist) Agenda? Dave Vasey Strikes Again!

Dave from an article on his G20 Cop Baiting!

I came across this article today- Understanding and Learning from Occupy Toronto. It quotes Dave Vasey, and a couple of other people from Occupy Toronto giving very biased views on what’s happening at OT.

In particular, I find it somewhat disturbing how Dave makes the assumption that occupiers should agree with the “Anti-Oppression” agenda. Because, many people don’t…

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It Is Always Deeply Disturbing When Glenn Beck Is Right! (but he is in this case)

But, it certainly isn’t too late to turn it around to what the people really want… (sorry Judy Rebick, we’re not in favour of a Marxist revolution.)

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This is What The Ruckus Society Looks Like!


Taking an excellent course by Tools for Change on Direct Actions now. Unfortunately, they are using a manual from the Ruckus Society…

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Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie

Why does this seem so significant to me? The invitation to this event last year (sent by Kevin Annett) is below: Continue reading

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