Greg Renouf

Author's posts

Toronto Police Board Member Promotes #BlackLivesMatter Protest Against SIU Decision

Last July an officer in the Toronto Police Service shot and killed 44-year-old South Sudanese immigrant Andrew Loku inside of his apartment building. A few days later a group of anti-cop protestors organized a protest under the banner of #BlackLivesMatter Toronto. The protesters gathered and blocked the intersection of Allen Road at Eglinton Avenue interrupting the journies …

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ACORN Canada Gets Their Hypocrisy On “Exploiting” Low Wage Professional Protesters

Anti-poverty group ACORN is one of the most ethically challenged social justice NGOs known to mankind. The group was originally conceived in the US and had close ties to the Democratic Party. They were a growing organization back in the day but this all changed in 2009 when James O’Keefe filmed undercover videos where they offered …

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Open Letter To Environment Minister Catherine McKenna About Copyright

Dear Catherine, I’m glad you’re enjoying your trip to Washington DC. Canadian taxpayers should be proud to pay for your photo-op with President Obama. I noticed on the photograph you sent out that you copyrighted the picture- are you kidding, or do you actually think it’s ethical to spend Canadian’s money on a jolly down …

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GAE Twitter Trial: Apology Hearing Raises Questions Of Injustice & Journalistic Integrity (Feat. Toronto Star)

On January 22nd, Gregory Alan Elliott was found innocent of criminal harassment after a prolonged two-way disagreement with two politically connected social justice warriors. There were originally three complainants but the third, who had a working relationship with the Toronto Police Service’s social media team, was mysteriously withdrawn from the case just moments before she …

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Environment Minister Plays Useful Idiot In Chinese Soft Power Flash Mob! (Feat. Catherine McKenna)

Back in 2010 former CSIS leader Richard Fadden warned Canadians that some of our politicians might be under the influence of foreign governments. Fadden explained how CSIS was concerned that cabinet ministers in two provincial governments and elected officials in three BC municipal governments might be at-risk. In particular, he warned about influence by China’s …

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