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On March 20th a group of professional protesters and student union leaders gathered followers in front of City Hall to protest an SIU ruling about the shooting of Andrew Loku. The SIU decided that the Toronto cop who pulled the trigger and shot Loku was justified in their decision. Loku was no more than three meters …
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It’s been a while since I’ve watched City Hall in action, it’s almost always a great disillusionment. Today sounded like fun, Black Lives Matter Toronto promised to show up with a message for John Tory. I’ve been investigating the AstroTurf reality behind BLMT, so it seemed like a good opportunity to peek further behind the …
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As the obligatory radical feminists screamed “I believe the victims” (who lied) and the media scrummaged around a lawyer who was about to give his speech, a lone ginger ran out into the crowd topless protesting. The media abandoned the lawyer and filmed as the ginger got arrested. A good time was had by all…
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Springtime is coming to Toronto which means, of course, that silly protest season is here and the usual suspects have tried to setup a makeshift camp in front of police headquarters on College St. The players are the same as Occupy, Idle No More, and most of the other big protests we’ve seen in Toronto …
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Ontario has been going through a bit of a tomato madness the past few weeks. It all got started when Heinz shut down their Leamington, Ontario plant. The shutdown was part of a manufacturing industry exodus from the province, a trend many argue is in part due to Ontario’s outrageously high electricity costs. Each shut-down …
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