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Every May 1st militant extremists from OCAP and No One Is Illegal organize a May Day march through downtown Toronto. The marches feature most of the same people we see at most labour movement led protests, each year a guest of honour gets to sit on the back of a rented truck, take charge of …
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Note: Click here to read Part I This summer Toronto parents will have the unique opportunity to send their kids to Black Lives Matter Toronto’s Freedom School, a three-week summer daycare for children aged 4-10. The school intends to provide students with “political education,” teaching kids about “Black Canadian and diasporic history”, and engaging them in …
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Big news came out of Occupy INAC last night. After eight days of occupying the Toronto office, seven days occupying Winnipeg and three days in Vancouver, protest organizers announced last night that they intend to stand down and walk away. That said, they haven’t vacated INAC’s offices yet. Further demonstrating their shameless quest to get …
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At 9am this morning a group of protesters walked into and occupied the Vancouver office of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. The group’s media release, tweeted out by the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, claimed they were “indigenous families and allies.” It explained that they were conducting their protest “to extend support for the demands …
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Life isn’t very good for the people of Attawapiskat. The people in the northern Ontario community have suffered through housing problems, sewage backups, conflicts over the local De Beers diamond mine, and allegations of severe mismanagement by former chief Theresa Spence and her non-native boyfriend who kept the books This week things got worse when …
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