Greg Renouf

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#ShutDownCanada Fails: Small Crowds, Aborted Train Sabotage & Unabashed Racism

In early January Vancouver activist Dan Wallace announced a potentially exciting protest called #ShutDownCanada. The organizer’s goal was to get people to join in from coast-to-coast-to-coast, block critical infrastructure, and “severely impact: the country’s economy”. Adding to the anouncement, Wallace declared the event would “respect diversity of tactics”- activist code that means it’s acceptable if …

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Dogwood Initiative Anti-Oil Scare Tactics Ignore Inconvenient Truths (Feat. Kai Nagata)

The Dogwood Initiative is a Victoria, BC based non-profit, and registered lobbyist group, that focusses on environmental issues. Like many NGOs, Dogwood has taken a strong stand against Kinder Morgan’s proposed twinning of the TransMountain pipeline- the subject of the recent protests on Burnaby Mountain. Kai Nagata is the former Quebec City Bureau Chief for CTV News. Nagata’s …

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[Updated] #BurnabyMountain Protesters Get Their Stupid On- Attack The Wrong People! (Feat. Tamo Campos)

UPDATE: More details have come available and have been added to the story. A video came out yesterday showing how a group of protesters burst into North Vancouver’s Fishworks restaurant, interrupting a group of Kinder Morgan employees as they ate a meal together. It was a classy affair with former COPE Vancouver Audrey Siegl candidate …

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Multi-Million Dollar Homeowner Announces MP Candidacy In Vancouver’s Poorest Riding (Feat. Jenny Kwan)

Yesterday Vancouver NDP MLA Jenny Kwan announced her intention to run for Libby Davies’ soon to be vacant seat in Parliament. Kwan has a long history in the neighbourhood and was once a member of the Downtown Eastside Resident’s association- a now defunct housing organization partially founded by Davies that died after a financial scandal involving …

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CRA Audited Charity Sponsors Book Tour For Anti Free Speech Violence Advocate (Feat. Harsha Walia)

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’s about page contradictorily describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice” that since has become “one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates”. The page explains how the CCPA works with “with top-notch researchers to shed light on the key issues …

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