Greg Renouf

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Why Would The RCMP Disturb SFU Professor Tim Takaro’s Lunch? (Feat. Burnaby Mountain)

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from BC’s anti-pipeline protests on Burnaby Mountain it’s that Simon Fraser University has some seriously nutty professors. Nuttiest of all is English professor Stephen Collis, a man who writes poetry glorifying street violence like the Toronto G20. Then there was biology professor Lynne Quarmby (now a Green Party candidate) who claimed …

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OPSEU Thugs Attack Motorists At Liberal Convention!

Spring is back, the horror of this year’s winter is over, and it was time to get out on the streets and watch the union members thugs in action! So, I met up with Undercoverkity behind the Toronto Convention Centre to watch OPSEU’s finest (and their OCAP friends fiends) attack Liberals as they walk into …

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International “Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting IN The Toilet! (Feat. Kevin Annett) In March 2014 I wrote the story International Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting On The Toilet! The story featured a video of Kevin Annett sitting in someone’s bathroom reading a proclamation against the Pope. It was a low moment in the life of man whose career transitioned from being the only person ever …

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Venezuela Unmasked Pt I: Canadian Activists Make Propaganda For Chavez’s Revolution! (Feat. Macdonald Stainsby)

Introduction: On March 20th 2013 several thousand people gathered at Dundas Square in Toronto to participate in a pro marijuana rally. As the clock struck 4:20 hundreds of protesters simultaneously lit joints, bongs and other implements clouding the square with pot smoke to protest what many Canadians view as unfair laws. Right at the same …

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Anarchists Accuse “Harper Government” Of Cancelling Dodgy Non-Profit PayPal Account (Feat. Shiri Pasternak)

After three and a half years studying anarchist appropriation of indigenous voices, one lesson I’ve learned is that organizations with the word “Solidarity” in their names are often a good place to look. Barriere Lake Solidarity is an excellent example- more anarchists than a G20 bail hearing, close connections with the pro-violence AgitProp extremists at the Media Co-Op, and more …

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