Greg Renouf

Author's posts

What did I do to celebrate a successful #OccupyHarper? Just Dance!

Last night a friend invited me out to a unique experience- one that will be forever part of my life now. We went to Just Dance! Here’s an outline if what its all about from their website: “Just Dance is a positive party community event. It offers a unique opportunity to dance to an eclectic …

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#OccupyHarper: PM, Coward & Anti-Bike Bully

One of the low-points  of my elementary school days was the moment some bully decided to kick the rims of my BMX bike. I was a geeky kid- kind of like our Prime Minister is today… It may have been different if I was protected by a gang of men in well-pressed suits- that said, if …

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Occupy Harper & Christy’s Photo Op!

We found out this morning that the Prime Borgmeister Harper is coming to Vancouver tomorrow for a photo op at Science World! And, apparently, Christy Clark will be there too! So, of course, we at Occupy Vancouver have been busy gathering people together for an event!  Come tomorrow, starting at noon! Bring something to …

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Occupy Vancouver’s First Press Conference…

It wasn’t until Monday that I noticed how truly biased the press are against Occupy Vancouver- we really turned them off something fierce! One particular press member, Lisa Johnson, was rather impolite and sarcastic throughout the event. This was the first time I was disappointed by someone at the CBC. Lisa has apologized to us …

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Update On The Curtis Brick Fountain!

I was at Grandview park again last night- went there for the GA, and to participate on the discussion for next steps.  While there, I met Penny Ballem, our city manager, and (I think) Aaron Jasper, the chair of the Parks Board. I brought them over to the fountain, and explained the history, then showed …

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