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The Vancouver Police Department have just published a press release about an incident where the ninjas have, once again, infiltrated Occupy Vancouver! There has been one arrest. People of Vancouver, please take note that the vast majority of people at Occupy Vancouver are not ninjas, nor do they support their actions. David Eby of the BCCLA (and a former …
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Permanent link to this article: Betty Krawczyk, a former Green Party Candidate, seems to also have concerns that there are people involved in Occupy Vancouver who distributed misinformation and tried to incite violence. Betty has been involved in demonstrations for many years- so probably has a good idea about what she is discussing here. So, I’m not the only …
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I just ran across a story about an incident at Occupy Calgary where some idiot (probably one of Alberta’s many neocon redneck’s) sprayed pepper/bear spray into their Information/Library tent! Occupy Vancouver had some threats back in October- some highly disturbed individual was trying to round-up a posse to ‘de-occupy’ OV. One of the occupiers met …
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Next time you read the SunVince spreading hate against my beloved movement, keep this list of esteemed supporters in mind. Then, write your MP about Canada’s immoral media ownership laws…
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I arrived to the site of the demonstration a bit early. My favorite mayoral candidate Saxmaniac and a couple of other demonstrators were visible from across the street, as were Vancouver’s finest, and a reporter from the SunVince. Lisa Johnson from the CBC must have been busy covering some other story- we missed you Lisa! …
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