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The vast majority of people who have got involved at Occupy Vancouver are good folk- people who care enough about the problems in out world that they were motivated to go out and do something about it. To them- I applaud you. However, there are faction(s) in the group that appear to operate outside the …
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In response to A Love Letter From David Eby: Hi David, I’m sorry to insult you- but, this letter appears like it was written by a lawyer, not by a human being. Your letter was technically elegant, but completely lacking soul. 1.) Your Class of Travel to Prince George: The 1% hate public transit. If …
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Intrepid renouncer of Ninjas and defender of DTES civil rights David Eby had to endure drinking Bread Garden wine after his flight was delayed. This presumably coming home from what he reported as a trip to Prince George. In his anger, he publicly shamed a great airline by broadcasting a picture of his “keeping it classy with bread …
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When there is something important I want done- I can often be relentless. Many of you know I’ve had a lot of criticism about that because of my pursuit to rid Occupy Vancouver of its Black Bloc problem. Often, this relentlessness pays off… I’ve approached many people in our city to try and get the …
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