Greg Renouf

Author's posts

Breaking News! Kevin Stevenson Is Important Enough to be On My Blog!

In a heated Facebook discussion with a concern troll, the person throwing ad-hominem attacks (who will remain unnamed) I told this person “Give it up, you’re not important enough to get space on my blog!” Kevin Stevenson, who previously was a nobody, sentenced to life not being discussed on my blog, has now been elevated …

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The BlackBloc Are Lying When They Say They Respect Diversity of Tactics!

So, I was invited out to a party tonight by someone who I’ve got to know quite well at Occupy Vancouver- a highly political NDP guy who has also been involved from the beginning. And what do I find but a room full of BlackBloc ninjas, and a number of their supporters! One of the …

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Vancouver (DTES,Unionist,CoC,Etc) Black Bloc, You are Useful Idiots!

Do you actually believe your pseudo Waffen SS tactics could do anything but hurt a movement that is founded in love and peace? And, do you actually believe you have the foundation to make this a reality? Perhaps it’s just the reverberations of yesterday’s meditational yoga experience- but, this appears to be a somewhat deluded perception… Please …

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Paparazzi Shots of my Twitter Followers!

I have a great collection of people beginning to follow me on Twitter! Thanks people, you encourage me to fight the good fight! Let me share some of my more interesting (and some puzzling) followers:

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