Greg Renouf

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I Felt Like These Two Guys Way Too Often on the OV Facebook page…

All the random ganging-up, the ridiculous accusations, bullying. Follow the rest of the story at the Georgia Straight…

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Oakland’s Black Bloc Speech to Engage the 99%!

“I’m…tired of people telling me what to do!” “I don’t give a shit what America wants- I don’t care, I don’t even care a little bit…”

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My Response to Mr Neil of The Council of Canadians

Dear Mr Neil, Thank you for the quick response. I have always held your organization in great esteem, and have no expectation the Council of Canadians wants to bring Occupy Vancouver to the point of revolution! This is inconceivable to me, as it always has been of course! Your’s is an organization I’d aspire to …

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A Response from Garry Neil From The Council of Canadians

This letter is the response to: A Letter to Maude Barlow at the Council of Canadians ___________________ December 20, 2011 Dear Greg, Thank you for your December 16 email concerning the Council of Canadians and the Occupy movement. I want to assure you that the Council is not in any way trying to “take over” …

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A Letter to Maude Barlow at the Council of Canadians

I was talking with Ruth Meta on December 16th, when she told me that Bob Ages  from the Council of Canadians was going to be taking over mediation of Occupy Vancouver’s moderated Facebook page. We both did some research and felt uncomfortable with the transparency in OV’s relationship. Ruth wrote the letter below and I …

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