Greg Renouf

Author's posts

Professor Anthony James Hall: The Truther With An Aversion To Truth!

One of the people connected to the Occupy movement who confuses me more than others is Anthony James Hall– a professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. Besides dressing like the Don Cherry of the truther movement, he is also a man who loves to throw hate at people on Occupy …

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Indigenous Racism And The June 21st Uprising…

Last week I had the (dis)honour of having one of my articles republished by one of the most radical & racist websites I’ve run across. It warmed my heart to see how they labelled me as ‘a somewhat infamous White participant in the #Occupy Movement in Kanada’. That said, they should have done their research, …

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Dear Occupy Toronto Cloud Gardens Crowd…


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CUPE Members! (and others) Write The Union And Ask Them To Stop Supporting Violent Thugs!

This is a video from San Francisco, but notice how the chants being used are the same as here in Toronto? This is the sort of violence that Ashleigh Ingle, teacher to Toronto’s 1% & CUPE leader is encouraging when she marches her gang of rabid animals across the city. And the same violence that Harsha Walia promotes …

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Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been, A Member Of The NDP? Someone I know in Vancouver posted this video on Facebook yesterday. It is an obvious piece of NDP propaganda- that said, it raises a number of interesting questions. It is also a perfect introduction to sharing some of what I have learned about the United Steelworkers union (USW) over the past few months…

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