Greg Renouf

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The NDP Vampire Union Squid That Ate Occupy’s Soul…

There is a lot of debate on whether the Canadian Occupy movement was organic, or if it was a construct of the unions. personally, I believe it is a bit of each. It is the unions who put a lot of funding, and who sent a lot of the people who put it together. But, …

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An Honest Report From Someone Who Attended The Past Two Vancouver Casseroles Marches

I found this first-hand report of what happened at the past two Vancouver Casseroles marches on Facebook today. Read this in comparison to the radicals like Sasha Wiley-Shaw who were saying that the arrests were all a part of a Stephen Harper led conspiracy to ‘criminalize dissent’. Sounds much different- doesn’t it?

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A Funny Video By Patrick Ross About Last Week’s Black Bloc Attack… Conservative Alberta blogger Patrick Ross has made a funny video in response to the attack I got from the Black Bloc guys at last week’s Toronto Casseroles march. It isn’t very flattering to them- but, I couldn’t resist sharing… FYI, the woman at the end of the video, Megan Kinch of the Toronto Media …

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Vancouver’s Stanley Park Is Burning! (What’s up with that?)

It all began on June 21st, Aboriginal Day, when a late night two-alarm fire was alerted in Stanley Park. Someone had lit the ticket station for the parks miniature railway on fire- putting the whole park at risk of being burned down. Luckily, the park was saved, but two firefighers were sent to St. Paul’s …

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The Occupied Vancouver Sun- BCTF Edition!

I’ll be writing more about how people from the unions hijacked Occupy Vancouver soon- think of this as a teaser. I was going to wait, but with all of the attention being paid to the BCTF’s Sasha Wiley-Shaw and her involvement with the shenanigans at Vancouver Asseroles march this week.

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