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I wrote yesterday about Kevin Annett’s announcement that he was going to file a court case against the Queen, Harper, and ‘big pharma’. Well, if you had any doubt if they were lying after reading my last article, all of that doubt should be gone now. Not only are these guys liars- they are bad …
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A person who is an active member of Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) came to me a couple of weeks ago and warned that Tim Louis has been hanging out with a bad crowd. I have deep trust in this source- but, I almost couldn’t believe what they said at first. I’ve met Tim a couple …
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Have you ever wondered how the Activistocrats were able to take control of your movement? How did slimeballs like Sakura Saunders (who supports the use of violence, and uses accusations of racism as a weapon) con you into believing them and supporting their causes? What can you do to stop it?
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Occupy Toronto & Occupy Vancouver have fallen into a collective psychosis. Every time someone who disagrees with them speaks-out they are almost invariably accused of being a cop, working for CSIS (Canada’s version of MI5), or being a paid agitator. I know one Occupier who has been accused of working for at least eleven different agencies! …
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A fellow Occupier came to me last night, expressing her concern that the people involved in the Asseroles (sic) were faking some of their injuries. The thought has resonated in my mind since then- but, it wasn’t until I saw a video of Kate talking about her experience that it hit me this was real.
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