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In the ultimate example of softball reporting, Megan Kinch interviewed Kevin Annett when he visited Occupy Toronto this winter. She fell for his asseverations hook, line & sinker without asking a single critical question! If you’ve ever wondered about the quality of reporting from the Media Co-Op, wonder no longer! Here’s the video…
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Dear Krystalline, I have caught you in a number of lies, and poorly written stories before- so, most of my readers won’t be surprised to see you have promoted another. You, and your editors at Rabble, should be ashamed of your poor research. It has now been proven that Kevin Annett is a con-artist. Don’t …
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Dear Kevin, Your letter says a lot- both by what you do say, and by what you omit. Probably more by what you omit… First, that you would quote PT Barnum is so incredibly perfect. “There’s a fool born every minute” said Barnum- without this truth, you never would have got very far, would you …
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Kevin Annett wrote me a letter today- it is as telling by what he does say as by what he doesn’t. I’ll write a response to him soon- but, for now, I will share the letter with you. It is good for a laugh. That is, if what Kevin is doing wasn’t so sinister…
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Someone has just shared this video with me on Facebook- thanks! It is such a relief to see that the elders of the Kanyen’kena:ka Nation have renounced their relationship with Kevin. It pained me to think that they could still believe in him. Apparently this is no longer true…
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