A Very Merry Unist’ot’en Christmas! (Feat. David Suzuki)

Respect my culture!

Respect my culture!

The Unist’ot’en camp is a protest camp in northern BC, mostly led by anarchists and militant NGOs with a couple local indigenous people. Despite their claims to be fighting “colonialism”, the camp runs under Indian Act protocols- meaning, the money is paternalistically managed by their white “settler ally” NGO friends. The RCMP views them as an extremist group, and has been tracking them since at least 2010. Lots more detail here.

One of the mantras we’ve heard from Unist’ot’en and similar camps (assisted and funded through the same NGOs) is that colonial culture has and continues to disrespect and degrade sacred indigenous beliefs and practices. Unfortunately, Warner Naziel at the Unist’ot’en camp doesn’t walk the walk himself.

More of Naziel's Christmas cheer...

More of Naziel’s Christmas cheer…

Merry Christmas from Genuinewitty.com and the Unist’ot’en Camp! And a special thank you to David Suzuki and his family for their support and contributions to the camp

David Suzuki with the RCMP designated extremist Unist'ot'en Camp

David Suzuki with the RCMP designated extremist Unist’ot’en Camp

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/12/24/a-very-merry-unistoten-christmas-feat-david-suzuki/



    Suzuki hates Santa Claus and ruins Christmas for children. Children should not be exposed to Suzuki ! In winter 2011-2012, David Suzuki told children that Santa Claus would die unless their parents gave him money ! Ostensibly, Suzuki has told children that Santa’s home was to be destroyed by floods created by so-called global warming, a theory which has been debunked ! http://wp.me/P1jq40-1Qo As a Buddhist, Suzuki seemingly could not care less about children and Christmas. Furthermore, Suzuki has demonstrated that you can lure donations … by saying and doing anything no matter what the consequences … even at the expense of children. All is fair, it seems, in the desire to accumulate profit, even if it means damaging children’s precious dreams … the ones the rest of us spend so much time and effort protecting. Suzuki is seemingly leaving a legacy of frightened children, destroyed economies, lost jobs and hardship for people, and weakened communities. It’s time to stop making donations to David Suzuki. It’s also time to for David Suzuki to step down as host of television programs by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, including The Nature Of Things, because of his illegal interference in partisan politics and public policy, and violations of taxation laws. We need a better David Suzuki ! http://wp.me/p1jq40-7K4 For the whole truth about SUZUKI, please go to the following reports and web-page … http://wp.me/p1jq40-66Q http://wp.me/P1jq40-21m http://wp.me/p1jq40-66Q We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAH G ). We are dedicated to reporting PESTICIDE FREE FAILURES, as well as the work of RESPECTED and HIGHLY RATED EXPERTS who promote ENVIRONMENTAL REALISM and PESTICIDE TRUTHS. Get the latest details at http://pesticidetruths.com/ http://pesticidetruths.com/toc/ http://wp.me/P1jq40-2rr https://www.facebook.com/norah.gfon WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G



      • Fritz Becker on December 28, 2014 at 04:39
      • Reply

      If Suzuki is indeed a Buddhist he’s not a very good one, basically a Hollywood style Buddhist that cherry picks whatever he thinks is catchy or trendy, just to prove how deep he is. Personally I think the only thing Dave worships is his mirror in the morning, and the size of his bank account. One of his more recent ventures in later years was organizing tours for his groupies in Bhutan, a country with a human rights record in the bottom ten along with the Islamic State, North Korea, and Iran.

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