“Six Nations” Line 9 Occupation Ends With A Whimper…

Dave Vasey & Trish Mills with Six Nations friends

Dave Vasey & Trish Mills with Six Nations friends

Protests against Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline reversal started with a bang when a group of militant anarchists (including a convicted G20 ringleader) occupied a pumping station in Westover, Ontario in 2013. The protests began to fizzle out after the first protest- first there were a series of 1-day occupations (with no arrests), and now the most recent occupation by “Six Nations” in North Dumfries.

The protesters sounded resolute at first, explaining how they planned to occupy the site, holding teach-ins and other activities. Things started getting quiet after the second day, and then all communications stopped on the third. It was a mystery, what happened to the intrepid protesters? Well, the mystery is now solved- the protest has ended with a whimper.


Yesterday the protesters made a posting on their Facebook page explaining that the protest has ended. The post is cryptic, explaining that “6 nations individuals” have asked the protesters to leave the site. There’s still the threat of more protest though, they also explained how they will monitor the site to ensure the repairs to the pipe won’t be resumed.

There’s a great big irony in this situation. The protesters have, ad-nauseum, complained that Enbridge doesn’t properly maintain their pipeline. Now, there’s an exposed part of the pipe that was intended to be inspected and (if necessary) repaired. It’s a staggeringly stupid protest.

I’ll leave you today with the classic video of Line 9 Protester Gary Wassaykeesic telling the people of Westover what a “small little shit town” they live in…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/07/21/six-nations-line-9-occupation-ends-with-a-whimper/


  1. How much more will canadians put up with in regards to dealing with the “First Nations” treaties? Here in B.C. they were just given more large pockets of land by a learned judge! Pretty soon, the only thing will see from afar are “smoke signals

    1. Many treaties are real, and need to be resolved. That said, in the words of a Six Nations researcher, the “Haldimand Proclamation” is not…

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