Breaking: “Six Nations” Occupy Line 9 In North Dumfries (Feat. Dave Vasey & Trish Mills)

Isn’t Trish Mills on probation?

A short while ago Rising Tide Toronto sent out an alert that “a group of individuals from the Six Nations & their allies” have occupied a Line 9 maintenance site in North Dumfries. Pictures that are circulating indicate that at least four indigenous protesters are on-site, and some familiar anarchist “settler allies”.

Rising Tides’ alert says that protesters plan to hold an “action camp” where they’ll hold “teach-ins and skill shares centred around indigenous nationhood and direct action”. The occupiers are offering shuttles from Hamilton, Cambridge and the Six Nations reserve in hopes to boost up their numbers.

And, of course, there are the usual suspects in the background…

It’s still early, so most protesters haven’t been identified yet- but two familiar faces have already showed up:

Dave Vasey:

Vasey was the first person to be arrested during the G20, he was the de facto leader of Occupy Toronto, and associates with the Christian Peacemaker Teams. Dave is an intense guy, an a leader of the pack- it’s likely that he’s in charge. Dave was at this week’s previous Line 9 occupation in Etobicoke.

Patricia “Trish” Mills:

Trish Mills is an example of someone who has drank too much of the anarchist kool-aid. The narcissistic story she published in the Media Co-Op a few days ago says it all- bragging about how court security sees her as a (credible) threat. Mills was arrested and convicted during last year’s Line 9 occupation in Westover- still waiting for confirmation if she’s breaking her probation.

Most recent Line 9 actions have been one day operations, it’s a tactic that’s successfully been used to avoid arrests. Rising Tide’s release is unclear if protesters plan to spend more than one day.

Will post more as new information comes available…

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  1. It looks as if the first two guys in the front lost a battle with a chicken

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