What Didn’t The Media Tell Us About Desmond Tutu’s Visit? (Feat. 350.org & Eriel Deranger)

Chief Alan Adam & Desmond Tutu

ACFN Chief Allan Adam & Desmond Tutu

The one thing I admire most about Desmond Tutu is his rigorous advocacy of non-violence. As the creator of the concept of the Rainbow Nation, and chairman of South Africa’s Truth And Reconciliation Commission, Tutu’s work made a real difference to many people’s lives. More recently, Tutu spoke out against the African National Congress, saying “it doesn’t seem to me now that a freedom-fighting unit can ­easily make the transition to becoming a political party,” and describing South Africa as “the most unequal society in the world”.

This weekend Tutu travelled to Canada, a country whose residents enjoy a high standard of living, above-average economic equality, the freedom to say what we want, and a sense of security that South Africans could only dream about. Tutu’s message was both that he’s not here to tell Canadians what to do, but that the current trajectory of the oilsands is producing ‘filth’ and is evidence of our country’s ‘negligence and greed’. Many Canadians agree with this message- equally, many others feel that Tutu is misguided.

Tutu’s visit was covered by media outlets around the globe. But, as usual, most reporters completely missed the obvious- the influence of an American NGO…

 Tutu’s NGO Connection:


350.org is an American based NGO that works on climate change issue. As you can see from the above picture, Desmond Tutu is one of their ‘Messengers’. IOther messengers who’ve been covered on this site include David Suzuki, and Van Jones. This wasn’t Tutu’s first climate rodeo, he’s been campaigning for 350 for some time now.

Tutu is an active player in a global movement, nobody in the media even bothered to mention this- why?

Strange Bedfellows For A Man Who Promotes Peace At All Costs:

Conference organizer Eriel Deranger waving her fist...

Conference organizer Eriel Deranger waving her fist…

Though the media totally neglects to ever mention this fact, people in the ACFN travel in some very interesting circles. Eriel Deranger was the spokesperson for this weekend’s event, and her circles are somewhat chilling- people who hold the same revolutionary values that Tutu criticises back at home. She’s also the kind of activist who goes around waving her fist while carrying a child.

Deranger recently completed a two-week tour of Ontario with Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians. Barlow openly advocates for the use of violence, Green Party leader Elizabeth May has gone on the record acknowledging this. The CoC’s are militant revolutionaries, and were directly responsible for enabling the violence during Vancouver’s 2010 Olympics.

But Deranger’s connections with militancy don’t stop there- it’s deeply routed in her family. Her parents met at the shoot-out at Wounded Knee, her brother Ryan called for a new Oka at last year’s Tar Sands Healing Walk (where they marched with 350.org founder Bill McKibben). Both brother and sister have the same tattoo “Love is the Movement”; shared by a group of militants we often see at anti-police marches, or defending the dangerous (and violent) doctrine of Diversity of Tactics.

The mindset of Deranger’s partners is the polar opposite of Desmond Tutu’s activism and teachings. It’s highly probable Tutu knows not about who he’s partnering with- his staff need to do a better job at vetting the people who are blessed (and emboldened) with his approval.

Canadian Energy Policy: Where NGOs, Revolutionaries, Movie & Rock Stars Converge:

Eriel Deranger, Darryl Hannah and Crystal Lameman in Washington, DC

Eriel Deranger, Daryl Hannah and Crystal Lameman at the 350.org/Sierra Club Cowboy & Indian Alliance

Eriel Deranger showed-up in Washington DC in May, where she participated in the 350.org/Sierra Club run Cowboy & Indian Alliance protest where she met with movie star Daryl Hannah and rock star Neil Young- both who, like Tutu, actively campaign for 350. Her brother Ryan was there, as was fellow Love Is The Movement tattoo wearer Clayton Thomas-Muller.

In June 2013, Deranger spoke at the global PowerShift summit in Istanbul, Turkey. There she shared the stage with Brigette DePape (now with the CoC’s), and spoke about 350.org’s Tarsands Healing Walk. And, of course, the event was sponsored by 350.org. It’s a small world, isn’t it?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/02/what-didnt-the-media-tell-us-about-desmond-tutus-visit-feat-350-org-eriel-deranger/

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