International “Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting IN The Toilet! (Feat. Kevin Annett)

In March 2014 I wrote the story International Common Law Court” Indicts The Pope While Sitting On The Toilet! The story featured a video of Kevin Annett sitting in someone’s bathroom reading a proclamation against the Pope. It was a low moment in the life of man whose career transitioned from being the only person ever defrocked by the United Church to being a second class con-artist grifting off of the memories of children to suffered abuse at Indian Residential Schools.

I never expected the story to be very popular, Annett’s con was well exposed by then, only a fringe of Barnum class suckers still believed him. Turns out it was perfect timing, the article has now become one of the most popular stories on this site (over 80k hits from people around the globe). And, now, it appears that the video featured in the article has inspired a parody- Kevin Annett indicts the Pope while sitting IN the toilet! The Kevin Annett puppet is amazing work.

The original video is after the break…

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  1. No postings from Annett since 21st December 2015.
    No new videos (after failing figures.
    Only bullshit on his own so called blog (that we all know is written by his father Bill in Florida) and one article very critical of Margaret Annett ( (where he lies about when he fell out with his mother)
    Why has Kevin Annett gone quiet?
    Where is he now?
    His good friend Dean Clifford has been sentenced to 3 years in prison.

    1. Interesting news about Clifford, not a surprise really. That said, he was a nutbar long before he hooked-up with Annett, but I can totally see how Annett’s craziness would add fuel to the fire.

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