Ontario’s Craziest Maoist Leads Anti-Gentrification Tent City In Kitchener (Feat. Julian Ichim)

Julian Ichim: One of Ontario's most icky 'activists'

Julian Ichim: One of Ontario’s most icky ‘activists’

Julian Ichim is one of Ontario’s most icky activists. A Maoist, who puts an inordinate amount of effort on anti-police initiatives, Ichim first came to public attention during the 2010 Toronto G20- where he was arrested, and later charged for breaking a publication ban by publishing the name of an undercover cop. Ichim is a real charmer, the type of guy idiot who goes as far as interrupting Remembrance day ceremonies.

Well, Ichim is at it again. Yesterday he and his followers held an anti-gentrification march through the city, terminating at Victoria Park where they setup a tent city. Good times for the people of Kitchener!

30 people marched through the streets, but they only put up 5 tents- so, it’s not quite like Occupy. But the group plans to replicate Occupy with workshops, and the traditional Kumbaya. And, like Occupy, Ichim had a message for the police:

“If the police try to remove us for expressing our democratic right to protest then we will not back down, we have a right to be here.”

Ichim is no stranger to being pulled-out of places by police and security, it’s practically his reason d’etre. In fact, his focus is so often on the police, one has to wonder if he leads protests like this to bait them to arrest him. Stay tuned for more as the story develops- until then, enjoy this video of Ichim carrying a banner of Chairman Mao while leading chants about shooting and killing the “pigs”….

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/17/ontarios-craziest-maoist-leads-anti-gentrification-tent-city-in-kitchener-feat-julian-ichim/


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  1. I know a cop who had an encounter with Ichim at his Victoria Park tent city a few years back. The police were called to the park because of a fight at the other end of it. When the police arrived Ichim started jumping up and down, causing a scene, whipping up his followers into a frenzy. He was yelling about having a right to be in the park and the police have no right to harass them.

    Ichim was in fact correct. They did have a right to be there. Which is why the police were not there to bother the tent city people. They were there because of a reported fight on the other side of the park. When the police explained they were not there for the tent city Ichim became even more enraged. Like a child seeking out attention. He was actually upset the police were not there for him.

    1. Ha! Sounds like classic Itchy. Interesting thing about being allowed to sleep in the park, I looked into the city’s legislation and couldn’t find anything about camping and/or illegal structures in parks.

      1. He gets a permit for it. Ichim has been very active in the area for over fifteen years. People here know how to handle him. Just let him put on his little show. And do not give him an excuse to pretend to be a martyr. He is little more than a sideshow. A local eccentric.

    • Itchy Scratchy on June 22, 2014 at 12:15
    • Reply

    His nose looks like it’s been punched in a few times.

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has been, Ichy has a habit of getting into people’s faces…

    • Poke on December 23, 2014 at 14:49
    • Reply

    Julian has been on public radar long before 2010. He threw chocolate milk on Stockwell Day which may very well have inspired the pie in the face of the prime minister which happened a few months later. He has been actively participating in socialist movements for well over 15 years.
    As well Tent City has been taking place for longer than the Occupy movement. If anything the Occupy movement was actually a replication of Tent City. Once again this is another thing which has been around for over if 15 years. It started out as a movement to get more affordable housing in Kitchener and to do something about the homeless. At the time a number of churches opened their doors to The Out of The Cold Program as a temporary solution while the Government did something about the issue. 15 years later the Government hasn’t even looked at the problem let alone addressed it. The churches which were only expecting to be provide their services for 5 years
    have begun closing their doors. Which was why Once again there was a need to address the issue of affordable housing and other social programs which combat homelessness.

  1. […] How is it possible that there are still lunatic Maoists in this day and age? […]

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