The Toronto Star Hits A Home Run For The Anarchists! (feat. Antonia Zerbisias & Alex Hundert)

Antonia Zerbisias- Journalism that makes anarchists happy...

Antonia Zerbisias- Journalism that makes anarchists happy…

In a situation that should be concerning to most Canadians, there are members of our country’s media who’ve been actively promoting the anarchists behind the chaos at the Toronto G20. Some journalists have tried to label them as ‘political prisoners’, others tried to minimize the anarchist’s crimes. Others have taken a more dangerous route- writing articles that deify the anarchist leaders as jailhouse activists and martyrs.

One of the most troubling examples was a puff piece Antonia Zerbisias wrote in her column in the Toronto Star. The article was about incarcerated G20 ringleader Mandy Hiscocks’ battle for the rights of marginalized prisoners in her cell block. She talked about being discriminated against “because I’m an anarchist”. Zerbisias’ article practically hailed Hiscocks as a courageous social justice crusader- without any mention of the damage her crimes brought to our city.

Remember how I speculated Zerbisias’ article could help embolden these criminals in the future? Well, today, it seems that speculation is now a reality…

Alex Hundert and Mandy Hiscocks are two of the key ringleaders who were arrested just before the G20. They were training groups of impressionable n how to get away with smashing windows and vandalizing the city. Hundert  provided a list of store fronts that the anarchist vandals should concentrate on. Both Hundert & Hiscocks were also found guilty of training those kids how to ‘de-arrest’ their anarchist comrades.

Pay attention to that- neither Hundert or Hiscocks smashed a single window, cop car or phone booth. Their crimes were much more serious than the rest- they were training and encouraging young kids to commit some pretty serious crimes. For all purposes, they’re anarchist Fagin’s.

But this doesn’t seem to be a problem for the Toronto Star. In addition to Zerbisias’ article on Hiscocks, they published an article helping to deify Hundert as a crusader for prisoner library book rights. When I wrote my first criticism about Zerbisias’ article she totally went off the rails- issuing threats, and claiming that everything I said was rubish. She ignored the fact that it’s dangerous to promote those who evangelize violence.

Well, today Alex Hundert proved Zerbisias was wrong. In his latest article about his adventures in solitary confinement Hundert actually used Zerbisias’ article about Hiscocks as a tool to help qualify Hiscocks (and himself) as bona-fide jailhouse activists.

Here’s a screenshot:


The majority of Torontonians view the violence Hundert & Hiscocks promote as being abhorrent. People are waking up and realizing it’s also dangerous. Journalists and publications who continue promoting these criminals will soon be seen to be equally dangerous and abhorrent.

Now that it’s obvious that these articles are being used to help build the public profiles of hardcore (and unrepentant) criminals- isn’t it time for the Toronto Star to take them down? Antonia- any comment?

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  1. The same thing is happening in victoria bc right now! Our media paints criminals as heroes

      • The Hammer on January 30, 2013 at 11:47
      • Reply

      Want to fight fire with fire and have a little fun too? Activistocrats in Ontario have a full court press attack going on aimed at the ruling Liberal party. This past weekend the Ontario Liberals elected a Lesbian as leader and new Premier of Ontario.

      Activistocrat logic says that if you criticize a visible minority you are racist and if you criticize a homosexual then you are a homophobe. Only a matter of time before they go after the Lesbian premier. Which, using their logic, would make them all homophobes.

      1. I’m already on that- will be putting out a story on Sid Ryan’s protest against the Liberal’s convention in the next couple of days…

          • The Hammer on January 30, 2013 at 14:07
          • Reply

          Nice! Not only is Syd Ryan a misogynist bully but now he is a homophobe. The “Indignants” have also been going after the provincial Liberals.

          PS — I hate the Liberal too. I find the stunts pulled by them over their 10 years in power to be deplorable. Just like the opportunity to give these activistocrats a shot of their own medicine.

    • D on January 29, 2013 at 22:22
    • Reply

    You think this is bad? Back I the 1930s the Daily Star gave glowing coverage to the speeches made by anarchist terrorist Emma Goldman while she was living in exile in Toronto. It got so bad that the Communist Party referred to the Star as “that anarchist rag”.

    1. Interesting, I’ll have to look into that. Thanks!

    • brotherwolf1 on January 30, 2013 at 08:26
    • Reply

    Perhaps Ms. Antonia Zerbisias would be less likely to support these thugs and glorify them as being some kind of super hero if it was her house or place of business that was destroyed by these thugs. Maybe she and those who support this type of action should also be financially liable for the damages caused by these thugs. I wonder if Ms. Antonia Zerbisias gave any thought and consideration to the many small business that had to absorb huge repair bills after these G20 riots. Those people who are doing time in prison form those crime are there because they deserve to be there . Its just too bad that the sentences were not stuffer.

    • The Hammer on January 30, 2013 at 08:30
    • Reply

    It is interesting that the Star disables reader comments for columns. Rather odd since most MSM sites allow reader comments on columns and the Star has reader comments for most news articles. I can only imagine the nasty hate that would be directed at Antonia for her writing on Hundert and Hiscocks. I guess it is good for her they are disabled.

    In other news Antonia’s “Internet Troll” column came out last week:

    A little shocking that she would threaten to include you in a column that starts off with a picture of Amanda Todd’s YouTube video.

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