An Update On The Stó:lō Nation Fish Story!

Stó:lō Nation protest in front of the Chilliwack courthouse…


The Stó:lō fish story continues to get more interesting each day- today is no exception. The more I follow this fish tale, the more obvious it is that this is an excellent study in how Canada’s radical Marxist left manipulate stories and people in order to build a ‘movement’. I’ll begin with a recap of what has happened to-date.

There was a story a couple of weeks ago on Iranian PressTV about how members of the Stó:lō Nation are being ‘horribly’ oppressed by the Canadian government who is arresting them for fishing salmon on British Columbia’s Fraser River. Almost everything about the story (except, perhaps the actor’s names) was dripping with bovine excrement.

Anatomy of a radical lefty fish story…


The real story is that Patricia Kelly, a member of the Stó:lō Nation, was fishing illegally and refused (on principle) to pay a $200 fine. She then partnered with Professor Anthony James Hall of the University of Lethbridge and brought the story to his former student at PressTV. The next week, she was accompanied by activist Robyn Heaslip when she went into court, with a friend banging on her drum on the way in and interrupting people’s business.

Heaslip then wrote an article about the incident claiming that Kelly and her son were ‘brutalized’ when the court’s sheriffs asked her to stop the disruption and she began to contradict them. Heaslip said that it was their ‘constitutional right’ to bang her drums anywhere and anytime she damned well pleases- regardless on the impact she was having on other people’s rights.

That’s where we left-off on my last story. We continue with that happened last Thursday when a group of people from the Stó:lō and the Sts’ailes bands went to the courthouse to protest Kelly’s arrest. The story in the Chilliwack News about this incident was a rather curious one- rather than cover all of the issues why Kelly and her friend were asked to stop, it only mentions that the Sheriff said it could be used as a weapon.

Why didn’t they make any mention about the interruption to the court? One of the more interesting lines in the story stated:

“Even to pick up one of these things, you’re not allowed to pick one up with a bad mind or bad intention or anything.”

“Charlie also points out that there is no sign anywhere saying you can’t bring a weapon into the Courthouse.”

Isn’t this just common sense- or, are we being setup for the next stage of the story here? My initial reaction, and the reaction of a friend of mine was that perhaps we’re being setup for the next stage.

A typical Sikh kirpan…

No One Is Illegal is involved in this story, Robyn Heaslip has connections to Harsha Walia. Harsha is of a Sikh background, and that leaves me thinking about their ceremonial daggers- kirpans. Back in May, Ontario courts had a ruling to allow Sikh’s to bring kirpans into the courthouse. Perhaps they are going to use the same argument to allow drums to be brought into the court?

This is only speculation at this point- we’ll have to keep watching the story’s progression to see what comes of it. I will, of course, keep following the story to the end. Stay tuned to see their next play…


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    • Tamara D. on August 1, 2012 at 06:16
    • Reply

    I think they went too far on this one… Reading the other article, couldn’t they have drummed very softly then? They might say why should they, I would say because the noise might affect the concentration of people involved in arguing a case or a judge decision making in other court rooms… You can drum very softly… unless this really was a provocative action. I have not heard of this before so I don’t know… But I suspect it was meant to be provocative… As for the Sikh weapons allowed in courts… if used responsibly and respectfully any weapon can be safe… Any reasonable person will use a weapon ONLY in self-defense (ie someone’s trying to kill you) and won’t just wave it around for fun or anything…

    • The Hammer on August 1, 2012 at 09:50
    • Reply

    Well, Sikhs might be allowed to bring the kirpan into court but they certainly cannot stab anyone with it. Same deal with the drum. Let them bring it in, but not bang on it.

    BTW — I have a friend who is Scottish. Can he blow on bagpipes in court? The pipes are very important to Scottish culture. And Scottish people were instrumental in building Canada into the country it is today.

    1. Does this also mean that the Germans should be allowed to drink beer in the courtroom? lol

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