Story About A Silly Kevin Annett Supporter…

This guy supports Kevin Annett…

I have a bot setup to search for new postings about Kevin Annett on the web. Today it brought in an interesting video from Youtube- this time from one of the minority of people who are still out there actively supporting Kevin Annett. I wouldn’t label this guy a co-conspirator like Alfred Webre and Marcie Lane (I’ll write more about the co-conspirators soon), he’s more of a silly monkey who thinks he is smarter than he is…

This guy made a video analysing my article where I showed that it would have been impossible for Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman to sue the Pope. I made it very clear, with a letter from the Pope’s lawyers, and a link to the relevant legislation. Well, this guy is one of those freeman on the land monkeys who thinks it is possible to ‘opt-out’ of being subject to the country’s laws- so, he thinks he is smarter than most, despite the fact his entire belief system is based on a fallacy.

This is the same belief set that Annett panders to when he starts talking about ‘common law’. It is also the silliness that Annett is using to get people believe in the kangaroo courts he’s saying he will convene this September. The problem is, it is all a bunch of gobbledegook. People who fall for this stuff must so desperately want it to be true that they grasp at straws of very faulty logic.

Anyhow, so this monkey makes a eight minute video trying to tear-apart my argument that it is not possible to sue the Pope because of his diplomatic immunity. At the very end of his seven minutes of babble he quotes part of the Canadian State Immunity Act 1985-c-s18 that says it is possible to sue a foreign head of state in the instance of commercial activity.

What a maroon! Doesn’t he realize that the Catholic Church is not recognized as a commercial entity? It”s a non-profit silly!

Here’s the video- feel free to watch it if you wish to waste eight minutes of your life…



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    • TD on July 27, 2012 at 00:46
    • Reply

    I do have to point out Greg that diplomatic immunity doesn’t mean you haven’t done anything wrong. Diplomatic immunity actually encourages criminality cause you can pretty much get away with anything. Especially the pope, who is supposed to be a moral compass, if he does bad things he should be accountable. I’m not sure why you keep pointing the diplomatic immunity thing, it doesn’t make the protected person innocent…. just protects them from the law… The Pope, the Queen, any politician, any person should be held accountable if they cause harm. I understand you are trying to expose liars but please keep in mind that not everything the people they are attacking have done have been right. If they did wrong, they should be held accountable… just not sure here what is just accusation and what was really done by the people in question (ie Pope and Queen)… The native people do, so does the government (whether they’ll admit it or not). As for Kevin and them, they should re-evaluate where they are coming from because they are causing alot of pain, confusion and grief. Lies just make things WORSE!!!

    And Kevin, WTF with joining up with the Christ/Antichrist guy??? Are you insane???? Why the hell would you take a chance like that??? You could get your soul permanently lost!!!! I’m an agnostic and I’d NEVER take such a chance!!! You’re a priest, for god’s sakes (defrocked, but still…)!!! There’s a CLEAR warning in your bible about the mark of the beast and the Antichrist!!! This guys claiming to be the Antichrist AND people are getting the number of the beast 666 tattooed on their bodies!!! My god, man!! You really have to take the time to sit down and rethink all of this!!! You’re putting yourself and those you advise in great danger!!!

    1. I originally pointed out the immunity issue because it proved that Annett was lying about submitting a competent case to the federal court. Not only didn’t he submit a court case, but it would have been impossible for him to serve the Pope. Annett is still pushing this BS, and his followers are too. In no way am I trying to make justification for the Pope by doing this. Lol

      And, I totally agree with you on the church of 666 stuff. It blew my mind to see that Annett is so stupid/greedy that he’d partner with these people…

    • William Annett on July 27, 2012 at 10:17
    • Reply

    If you believe the Vatican and the catholic church are non-profit, I’ve got a dandy bridge connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan I’d love to sell you – cheap. And as for diplomatic immunity, they were awarded this distinction by Benito Mussolini in 1929 and nobody else since. Now there’s an endorsement we can all believe in.

    1. Do you have an investment in a water company to sell me too? How about a fantastical oil tanker to ship water to me in? Is there any chance you are going to ask me to send cheques to your trailer park in Florida?

      As the law stands, and this is a conversation about law, the church is not a commercial organisation Bill. Are you sure you aren’t being manic right now? Have you taken your meds today?

      • sheray on July 27, 2012 at 19:04
      • Reply

      Oh please William Annett. Surely you are to blame for at least some of Kevin’s over sized self importance ie quest for Kevin’s nomination of Nobel Peace Prize…and you will also be held accountable for your share of the fraud.

      1. Indeed, he will be accountable. The people who sent money to his account at the Bank of America will get justice…

    • sheray on July 27, 2012 at 13:55
    • Reply

    The probable reason for Annett hooking up with the antichrist/christ guy is that he has a fairly large flock of people happy to submit their wills to someone claiming to be the spokesman for god. Annett merely found a good outlet of people who easily believe whatever is thrown at them. Ironic how Annett speaks out against the church authority, coverups and lies, but has no problem accepting his own illusion web of lies and that he is authority over others ie spokesperson for the victims. That is the narcissistic way, that is the way of megalomania in action.

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