A Message to My Friends at Occupy Toronto

Please check our Facebook pages. I have published a letter there asking Dave Vasey to step-down from his (assumed) role as our leader. Dave’s handling of the allegations against my by Harsha Walia and people at Occupy Vancouver was not acceptable to the ethos of our movement.

I now have disproved the allegations and it is time to move onto the business of changing the world. Thank you for your patience during this trying time in our history. I look forward to doing great things together.

For people in Vancouver, and other occupations, I will update you soon. In the meantime, don’t forget to always ask questions of people who speak badly of others, and never accept ad-hominem attacks for any reason.

If you are worried your occupation is being subverted, it is most likely being done by those who attack others without providing credible evidence.

Together we will prevail, divided we will fall. The concept of banishment must be removed from our thoughts. MLK said we must love the oppressors. Equally, we must love each other- unconditionally.

With Love & Solidarity,

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/02/29/a-message-to-my-friends-at-occupy-toronto/

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