A Video About Ninja’s: From a guy at OV who supports the Black Bloc…

This is the attitude we are facing at OV. This video is recent, and by the same person who made a threatening message about October 31st. We know who you are…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/17/a-video-about-ninjas-from-a-guy-who-hangs-around-with-the-black-bloc/


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    • GregEh on November 17, 2011 at 14:16
    • Reply

    Of course you know who he is he doesn’t hide his identity. Stimulator is an excellent video producer and his hard attitude is refreshing. Occvan could learn some PR lessons from him, he should be considered a great ally, not subject to your mini-conspiracy theories.

    1. I know who he is too- followed his videos on the Olympics when I was living in Montreal. He is an excellent producer- and we share something in-common, both of us have mentions in Wired! So, when wearing his ‘filmmaker’ hat- respect.

      I have no idea on his involvement but, at the minimum, he is most certainly not a #BlackBloc opponent. This concerns me- particularly as the video is recent, and speaks positively about what happened in Oakland. And, if you look at what Occupy Wall Street & Occupy Oakland have to say about the #BlackBloc, they are raging mad at them- say they hurt the movement…

      So, regardless of if he is a member or an apologist, he is more of a @Instigator than a @Stimulator at the moment. Think about it!

    • Margaret on November 17, 2011 at 14:54
    • Reply

    I want to say that while I disagree with your characterization of numerous things, including the claim that “Occupy Oakland” is, as an entity, “raging mad at the #BlackBloc,” I’m most distressed by use of an apostrophe to indicate the plural of “ninja.” The plural of ninja is ninjas, not ninja’s.

    1. Okay, fair. I could have been more careful with my word selection- “…members of #OccupyOakland…raging mad at the #BlackBloc.” Better?

      And, as for the apostrophe- big mistake. <blush> I’ll be more careful in the future: real-time writing is prone to mistakes- anyone who could provide me with editing support would be warmly welcomed…

  1. I, on the other hand, am appalled at Greg’s characterization of this dude as “an excellent video producer.” STANDARDS, friend, STANDARDS!

    1. I can’t help it, I like the editing! And the cute blocks around his face make me think of little boys in ninja costumes. Adorable!

  2. “the” black bloc thinks you need to shut the fuck up greg and pull your head from the ass of the mainstream media.

    1. But, I’ve been told the ninjas are a figment of my imagination! Lol

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