Tag: violence

The Vancouver Observer’s NEB “Spying” Story Was A Shameless Deception (Feat. Elizabeth May & Joyce Murray)

Last week the Vancouver Observer published a scare story criticising the Harper government’s extensive spying on anti-oilsands groups. The writer explained that the “federal government” (wait, I thought it was Harper?) has been “vigorously spying” on anti oil sands activists and organizations across the country. Adding some fuel to the fire, they also hinted at a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/11/26/the-vancouver-observers-neb-spying-story-was-a-shameless-deception-feat-elizabeth-may-joyce-murray/

Who Set The RCMP Cars On Fire At The Mi’kmaq Fracking Protest? (feat. Harrison Friesen & Jayson Fleury)

An interesting picture has been bouncing around the Internet this morning (see above), claiming that indigenous protester Harrison Friesen is responsible for lighting police cars on fire during yesterday’s clash with New Brunswick RCMP. The image also states that Friesen is both an RCMP and CIA informant- a popular accusation used by far left radicals …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/10/18/who-set-the-rcmp-cars-on-fire-at-the-mikmaq-fracking-protest-feat-harrison-friesen-jayson-fleury/

New Brunswick Mi’kmaq Warriors, Molotov Cocktails, The Media Co-Op & Lies (Feat. Miles Howe)

Big news is coming out of New Brunswick today. According to reports that came from the Media Co-Op’s Miles Howe this morning, Mi’kmaq Warriors have been throwing Molotov cocktails- a report from the CBC indicates police cars have been set on fire too. But, of course, we have to ask the question: can we trust …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/10/17/new-brunswick-mikmaq-warriors-molotov-cocktails-the-media-co-op-lies-feat-miles-howe/

[Updated] Why Do We Always See CUPE & Fred Hahn Hanging Out With Anarchists? (Feat. Brian De Matos)

UPDATE: Brian De Matos responded to the video Your Humble Narrator created on the YouTube page. It leaves me with a new question- why do so many people who hang out with Fred Hahn and CUPE feel the need to make threats when they’re exposed for their ignorance? Just another union affiliated thug who can’t …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/10/03/why-do-we-always-see-cupe-fred-hahn-hanging-out-with-anarchist-sleazebags-feat-brian-de-matos/

Open Letter To Elizabeth May About the Green Party’s Position On Political Violence…

Dear Ms. May, First, let me begin by saying that I come to you in peace. I grew up in Sidney and, if the people of my town voted you into office, I believe there must be some good in you. I’ll also state that I care deeply about the environment- this is one of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/24/open-letter-to-elizabeth-may-about-the-green-partys-position-on-activist-violence/

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