Somehow, Black Bloc supporting anarchists just don’t get it. I was there- he went to jail because he ignored the order of a police officer who was in the process of arresting someone.
Tag: violence
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Apr 20
Some Advice for People Attending Occupy Toronto’s “Activist Training Weekend” If you have a chance, please make sure you watch this video before you head off to the Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyist Steelworker’s hall this weekend, it may be valuable to use some of your time to watch this video first. Remember, if anything doesn’t make sense, make sure you ask questions! You may also want to …
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Apr 18
Dave Vasey Has Deep Respect For Violent Men…
The more I learn about Dave Vasey the more disturbed I am that this man is accepted by his community as a leader. Besides his bullying and attacking people’s family members (standard activities for an International Socialist), Dave’s support of violence should cause call Canadians a deep sense of distress…
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Apr 17
Alex Hundert: A Violent Offender and a Danger to Us All
One of the problems with Canada’s radical left is their tendency to make heroes out of dirty thugs. Alex Hundert is probably the best example of this madness- let me share his story with you…
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Apr 16
Letter to Judy Rebick: Are You Leading The Canadian Black Bloc?
Dear Judy, Back in January, at the height of some of the attacks against me coming from supporters of Black Bloc, I decided I would make an effort to contact high-profile people who’ve spoken out against Black Bloc tactics in the past. So, I got onto Google and began my search for someone who could …
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