Dear Rachel, I don’t think we’ve ever met in person- we’ve never had any business together, and I’ve never initiated communications with you. So it confounds me how you have been continuously attacking and slandering me over Twitter. It’s bizarre I must tell you…
Tag: Vancouver
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Nov 10
Zoe Blunt, David Eby, Olympic Violence And Disappearing Legal Observers…
I wasn’t planning to write about David Eby’s connection to the violence at the 2010 Olympics again so soon- it was something I was planning to cover in more depth early next year. But, I was doing some research on Victoria anarchist (and wannabe eco-terrorist) Zoe Blunt tonight and came across her analysis of the …
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Nov 10
Will Point Grey Be #KeepingItClassy With The NDP’s David Eby! (Or: Just Say No To Rice Wine…)
I heard some great news today, David Eby has announced his intention to run for for the seat at Vancouver Point Grey. Wait, I know what you’re thinking- what could be great about having a cop-hating, anarchist hugging, promoter of cop baiters in a position of power? Nothing, of course, we must do everything within …
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Nov 07
Updated: How The Activistocrats Are Ganging-Up On We Are Change Victoria (feat. Zoe Blunt & @Raincoaster)
Update 1: This is interesting, Sean Orr of Scout Magazine has taken down his article that had a link to Zoe Blunt’s website- only minutes after I posted this article! Anyhow, here’s a cached copy of the article. And, it’s good to know they are getting nervous from the exposure. Fortunately, they only make it …
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Nov 07
genuiNEWitty: One Year Of Adventure, With Some Big Plans For The Future (feat. David Eby)
Today is another Occupy anniversary for me- it was a year ago I started this website. If you were there with me that day, and told me what was going to happen over the next year I’d probably not have believed you. The past year has been Toad’s Wild Ride- 750 stories later, what I’ve …
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