On September 1st a group of professional protesters were left to wreak havoc on the streets of Toronto. They blocked traffic, harassed motorists, and eventually smashed the windshield of a woman’s car. Toronto cops were there to manage the protesters, but they only protected their own police stations- people on the streets were left to …
Tag: Toronto Police Service
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/10/07/us-consulate-issues-exaggerated-anarchist-security-alert-for-downtown-toronto-feat-julian-ichim/
Sep 23
CUPE Assists OCAP Lawbreakers In Their Stupidest Protest Ever! (feat. Alex Hundert)
Events led by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty always make for an exciting story, yesterday’s housing protest was no exception. The fun began at Alan Gardens park where OCAP members bribed about 200 useful idiots to show up with food, free bus tokens and a license to create mayhem on the streets of Toronto. It …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/23/cupe-assists-ocap-lawbreakers-in-stupidest-protest-ever-feat-alex-hundert/
Sep 22
Will Toronto Police Allow OCAP To Setup Occupy Toronto 3.0 At Allan Gardens Park Tonight?
The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) has made an announcement that they plan to setup camp and occupy Allan Gardens Park tonight as part of a protest against gentrification. OCAP is a union sponsored organization that’s closely related with Sid Ryan at the Ontario Federation of Labour. They’re probably most well known for leading the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/22/will-toronto-police-allow-ocap-to-setup-occupy-toronto-3-0-at-allan-gardens-park-tonight/
Sep 02
Toronto Protesters Go Wild: Drivers Intimidated, Windshield Smashed, Police Absent…
Earlier during this week one of Toronto’s most prolific professional protesters got into trouble with the police. He was stopped while allegedly running a red light on his bike- when asked for his identification he responded saying “who are you!”. This, of course, didn’t work out very well- moments later he was in handcuffs. His …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/02/toronto-protesters-go-wild-drivers-intimidated-windshield-smashed-police-absent/
Aug 29
Davyn Calfchild’s Dodgy Police Violence Claim… (feat. Zach Ruiter & Darryl Richardson)
For the first time in memory, Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouimet) missed his Occupy Toronto Livestream show last week. It’s unknown if he’s finally given up, or is simply taking a break- the Livestreamers have been a lot more cautious with their words lately, perhaps they’re getting tired of having their misdeeds exposed. But, never …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/29/davyn-calfchilds-dodgy-police-violence-claim-feat-zach-ruiter-darryl-richardson/