Tag: TIDES Canada

Occupy Canada Supports the 1%!

Wow, talk about your misguided occupiers! Whoever is behind the Occupy Canada account on Facebook decided they needed to vehemently support George Soros! Not only that, but they felt the need to play dirty doing it! Pay attention to who you listen to these day folks. The Occupy movement is chock full o’ shils!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/05/19/occupy-canada-supports-the-1/

Why Are George Soros’ Marxists Targeting Peter Munk & Barrick Gold?

It was just over a month ago when I first approached the subject of Barrick Gold. I wrote a story about how Sakura Saunders had told a couple of my sources that ProtestBarrick.net had got funding through the TIDES Foundation’s money laundering facility, and how there was a potential that George Soros was using them …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/05/13/why-are-george-soros-marxists-targeting-peter-munk-barrick-gold/

The TIDES Going Out?

Watch this video if you want to understand how Canada’s far-left has sold itself out to Geoge Soros. They wouldn’t exist without his his money laundering services- things would be a lot more organic… Related articles ProtestBarrick.Net: An Example of How Soros Could Profit From Activism (genuinewitty.com)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/05/10/the-tides-going-out/

It’s Time to LeadNow(.ca) and MoveOn(.org) from the Robocall Rhetoric

There were a couple of things that truly shocked me at the initial Robocall Rally in Toronto. First, was the inclusion of Sherif Azir, a man who was supposedly an organizer of the “Arab Spring” in Egypt (but who doesn’t appear to be very Egyptian to me). The second shock was when Mathew Carroll of Leadnow.ca introduced …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/04/its-time-for-leadnow-ca-to-moveon-org-from-the-robocall-rallies/

Are The Robocall Rallies Calling To Destroy Canadian Democracy?

When I first heard about the Robocall Scandal I was immediately compelled to join the movement to call for an inquiry. If the allegations are true, we have a very serious problem in our country- and, justice must be served. However, as I’ve shared with you before, I was quickly disillusioned my the direction of the Robocall …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/02/are-the-robocall-rallies-calling-to-destroy-canadian-democracy/

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