Tag: TIDES Canada

Hollyhock’s Plastic Shaman Part I: Cultural Appropriation Didjeridu! (Feat. TIDES Canada)

Introduction Hollyhock is a New Age retreat on the southern tip of Cortes Island, BC. The resort was built by Greenpeace International co-founder Rex Weyler, a controversial figure who (along with Vancouver Observer editor and Hollyhocker Linda Solomon) has falsely claimed to be a Pulitzer Prize Nominee. No other New Age resort on earth can boast …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/03/02/hollyhocks-plastic-shamen-part-i-cultural-appropriation-didjeridu-feat-tides-canada/

7 Reasons The NDP Is Creepier Than You Think (Feat. Mulcair, Davies (x2), Eby & Layton)

Introduction: NDP anarchist front group Shit Harper Did (SHD) launched a dirty tricks campaign against the Conservative government recently, going all Stephanie Guthrie on their ass labelling them as ‘creepy’. So far most of the content hasn’t proven the Cons are creepy (the above cookie is one example), but they do provide 7 pages that …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/27/creep/

Idle No More Unmasked Part III: Let’s Follow The Money! (Feat. David Eby, Neil Young & Hollyhock)

Introduction: In Part I of this series we explored the David Suzuki Foundation’s involvement with Idle No More and how they neglected to disclose their stakeholder status in their letters to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. In Part II, we looked into the background of INM’s webmaster and his connections to a global “revolution industry” that …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/07/idle-no-more-unmasked-part-iii-lets-follow-the-money-feat-tides-david-eby-neil-young-hollyhock/

Vancouver Observer’s Embedded Journalism Has Hilarious Results! (If they weren’t so sinister…)

As readers of this site already know, the Vancouver Observer was founded based on a deception. When their editor Linda Solomon (sister of Joel Solomon, the head of TIDES Canada) arrived in Canada the first thing she did to garner favour with the city was to write a book called “Why I Love Vancouver”. The …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/12/20/vancouver-observers-embedded-journalism-has-hilarious-results-if-they-werent-so-sinister/

Why Would CSIS Want To Spy On Emma Gilchrist And The Dogwood Initiative? (Feat. Derek Jensen & Zoe Blunt)

After studying her online presence, Emma Gilchrist comes across as a reasonable person. Her resume shows a work history with the Calgary Herald, the Pembina Institute, and more recently with the Dogwood Initiative in Victoria, BC. Building on her journalism background, Gilchrist has recently taken on the Deputy Editor position for the desmog blog. So, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/11/30/why-would-csis-want-to-spy-on-emma-gilchrist-and-the-dogwood-initiative-feat-derek-jensen-zoe-blunt/

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