It appears that @OccupyBayStreet are also showing their true colours today- and they are not pretty. Somehow these monkeys think they have the authority to tell me I cannot talk about Black Bloc? Are they kidding? Why is that Doug Hattem? Are you Black Bloc yourself? Or, are you just an amateur fascist who things you have the …
Tag: Politics
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Apr 14
Video: Soros Funded Indigenous Environmental Network At COP17
Okay, I’m no expert in the Tar Sands- so I’m sharing a video by the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) and asking for your help. Because, something just doesn’t feel quite right about it. So, if I make any mistakes on this article, don’t judge me for it- because, I simply just don’t know what I …
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Apr 13
Some Background Behind The Guy Who Made The Nazi Slurs… I ran into an interesting video from an appearance Curtis Nixon made on Russia Today. In case you missed it, He’s the Guy who made the Nazi death slurs to a Jewish woman yesterday…
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Apr 13
Dear Occupy Toronto- who are you trying to attract here?
I’m confused- isn’t AIM the American Indian Movement? Regardless, who is the intended audience for this image? What is the intended outcome? Will it be a good one or a bad one?
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Apr 12
Why Are @OccupyBayStreet Such Rabid Haters?
O you who turn justice to wormwood and cast down righteousness to the earth! ~Amos 5:7 One of the more interesting characters I’ve met since I’ve been in Toronto is the ‘street preacher’ Doug Johnson Hatlem from @OccupyBayStreet. This is a man who identifies as a Christian- yet, long before he had ever met me he …
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