Here’s a screenshot from the Facebook page of the people organizing Spread the Quebec Strike! Demand Free Education! in Ontario. These are the same people who I believe are going to attempt to interrupt Prince Charles’ visit to Toronto next week.
Tag: Politics
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May 16
Anarchy In Quebec! (Time to talk to the NDP…)
A group of thugs invaded the Universite du Quebec a Montreal today. Spray painting the walls, invading classrooms and calling the students scabs for daring to go to classes- and, a couple of women were assaulted. What happened was like the early stages of a new Kristallnacht– how can we accept this kind of hooliganism in Canada?
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May 16
My Letter To Archbishop Hiltz About Last Week’s Incident
Despite the fact the incident at the Church of the Holy Trinity last week was deeply disturbing on a very personal level, I am trying to look at the positive side. Perhaps, if the church is merciful, this will be a good first step in making things right…
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May 15
Will Occupy Toronto Occupy Prince Charles?
One week from today we will be visited by Prince Philip. I’ve heard from three sources now that there is some sort of plan to interrupt his visit. I figured there would be- but, now it seems like it is confirmed. I bet Maggie Helwig’s face is red now!
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May 15
News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray)
I noticed this last night, but didn’t post until I could get confirmation. It has been confirmed this morning that Brandon Gray (not his real name, to be released later) was on-sight at Occupy Montreal’s Jail Solidarity event I wrote about in my last article. No wonder it was such a PR negative event!
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