Tag: Ontario

[UPDATED] Anarco-Syndicalist Arrested In London Ontario Last Night (feat. Mike Roy, Bailey Lamon & Sid Ryan)

Update (August 15): Mike Roy complained to Ezra Levant yesterday that I said Food Not Bombs is often a front for militant actions. Just to be clear, I was talking about my experience in Vancouver, and what I saw in other cities- I have no evidence this is happening in London, but the people behind …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/25/anarco-syndicalist-arrested-in-london-ontario-last-night-feat-mike-roy-bailey-lamon-sid-ryan/

Ontario Healthcare Coalition Puts (Racist, Violent) Occupy Toronto Livestream Back Online! (feat. Fred Hahn & Judy Rebick)

Two weekends ago members of Occupy Toronto gathered on the campus of Ryerson University for an 80 hour (dodgy) fundraiser, hoping to collect money to pay for the costs of operating their wireless data connection. Their event quickly degraded into a violent, racist and anti-Semitic hate fest. Later, after their fiasco became a national news …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/24/ontario-healthcare-coalition-puts-racist-violent-occupy-toronto-livestream-back-online-feat-fred-hahn-judy-rebick/

Occupy Toronto Livestreamers Threaten Journalist(s?) From Ryerson University On Wednesday

Occupy Toronto’s Livestreamers showed-up at Ryerson University again last night for a follow-up to their 80 hour fundraiser. It seems they made a rather big mistake over the weekend- telling people to send their money to a PayPal account that wasn’t under their control. They have no idea who has the money, so they broadcast …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/19/occupy-toronto-livestreamers-threaten-journalists-from-ryerson-university-feat-ezra-levant-greg-renouf/

A Quick Update On Occupy Toronto’s Unfortunate Incident At Ryerson University…

UPDATE: Jeremy Oliver claims that he wasn’t the person who tried to suppress the video of what happened Saturday, and was referring to another video that called him out on making a false claim of police violence. Considering his history of making false claims, I leave it to my readers to decide… ______________________________________________ After 80 …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/17/a-quick-update-on-occupy-torontos-unfortunate-incident-at-ryerson-university/

[UPDATED] Violent, Racist, Anti-Semitic, Hate Broadcast Live From Ryerson University On Saturday…

UPDATE: The video was taken down by YouTube for a violation of “hate speech”- this says a lot. Scroll down to the bottom for more updates, and a re-posting of the video. UPDATE 2: Billy has made an apology today, said it was a moment of weakness. But, looking into his Twitter feed, he seems …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/07/14/violent-racist-antisemetic-hate-broadcast-live-from-ryerson-university-on-saturday/

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