I’ve written a couple of times in the past about Occupy Vancouver’s most violent moment. No, it wasn’t when the tent council started biting firemen and stealing ammunition from the police during the sacred fire. In my opinion, it was the camp’s first Anti-Oppression meeting (or, as it’s lovingly called Anti-O). For those of …
Tag: Occupy Vancouver
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/20/watch-out-canada-tami-starlights-anti-oppression-tour-is-coming-feat-macdonald-stainsby-david-eby/
Aug 06
How The Radical Left Creates Ambiguity To Hijack Indigenous Relations…
I discovered an interesting pattern over the past few months. My investigation began at Occupy Vancouver when indigenous associates of Harsha Walia’s came to the camp who were identified as ‘elders’. I later found out that the truth was that none of them were recognized as elders, nor were they members of their band councils. …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/how-the-radical-left-creates-ambiguity-to-hijack-indigenous-relations/
Aug 06
(Updated!) The Story Of My Stalker, Alex Hundert (featuring Judy Rebick & Krystalline Kraus)
UPDATE: Krystalline Kraus, of Rabble.ca decided to make my case a bit stronger today- in retaliation for this article, she decided to tweet out Alex Hundert’s website and get it more publicity. Thank you Krystalline, this shows us the quality of journalism at Rabble.ca (meaning, it’s non-existent). ———————————– November 12th, 2011 was the first day …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/08/06/the-story-of-my-stalker-alex-hundert-featuring-judy-rebick/
Jul 29
MediaWatch: Joshua Blakeney, Robyn Heaslip And Patricia Kelly’s Stó:lo Nation Fish Story on PressTV
The more I dig into Professor Anthony James Hall’s fish story on Iranian PressTV, the more interesting and tangled the web becomes. Today we introduce a new character, Robyn Heaslip- someone who I learned today I have a relationship with (and I didn’t even know it until now!). This story also includes Joshua Blakeney of …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/29/media-watch-joshua-blakeney-robyn-heaslip-and-patricia-kellys-stolo-nation-fish-story-on-presstv/
Jul 26
MediaWatch: PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney Gets The Casseroles Wrong!
I’ve covered Joshua Blakeney’s work when I analysed his fish story on Professor Don Cherry (Anthony James Hall). I’ve since learned that Blakeney is Professor Cherry’s protégée from the University of Lethbridge. Then I found the above picture. Here’s a white kid with an indigenous warrior flag, sitting on top of a framed picture of Che Guevara- the perfect guy …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/26/mediawatch-presstvs-joshua-blakeney-gets-the-casseroles-wrong/