Tag: Occupy Vancouver

My Experience Being Cyber-Bullied (and real-life) At Occupy Vancouver & Toronto…

Initially, I wasn’t going to discuss the Amanda Todd story. With all of the attacks I’ve received from people, and slanderous statements published about me- I was concerned writing about bullying right now would bring some of my previous attackers back for another round. It can be brutal sometimes. So I’ve waited for a few …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/15/my-experience-being-bullied-at-occupy-vancouver-toronto/

Occupy Love: Where Judy Rebick, Michael Moore, Hollyhock, Renewal Partners, Soros & The Black Panthers Intersect…

I’ve written about the Activistocrats before- they are who Kale Lawsn of Adbusters called the ‘old-left’. They’re the people who hijacked the Occupy movement and changed the focus from being about problems with the banks and corporations to focussing on issues like identity politics, and promoting the NDP. In Canada, one of the commonalities of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/12/where-judy-rebick-velcrow-ripper-hollyhock-renewal-partners-soros-the-black-panthers-intersect/

Exciting New Occupy Documentary Premiers In Vancouver On October 15th!

There is some exciting news coming-up on the Occupy documentary front. The Occupation Documentary is being premièred in Vancouver on October 15th.  The film was made by Rafferty Baker and Matthew J. Van Deventer, two BCIT journalism students who were present (with video camera) every day at Occupy Vancouver. If something significant happened at Occupy Vancouver, they probably got …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/10/exciting-new-occupy-documentary-premiers-in-vancouver-on-october-15th/

Occupy Love: The Old-Left Hijacks Occupy’s History… (feat. Judy Rebick, Naomi Klein & Michael Moore?)

The old-left’s exploitation of the Occupy movement has been monumental. As soon as Occupy started, they came out with their fangs showing and grasped all the power they could. They came from all sides- radical feminists, entryist marxists, and several flavours of watermelon environmentalists (green on the surface, red on the inside.) Each of them wrestled …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/10/occupy-love-the-old-left-hijacks-occupys-history-feat-judy-rebick-naomi-klein-michael-moore/

UPDATED: Occupy & Student Strikes- They’re Not What They Looked Like on The Surface…

Yesterday some interesting (though not totally unexpected) news came out on Undercover Kitty’s blog. While attending a debriefing with the leaders from the Quebec student strike, Kitty learned the at the strikes were not as spontaneous as we’ve been led to believe. According to the testimonies of the speakers, the student strikes were two years in the making. They …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/05/occupy-student-strikes-theyre-not-what-they-looked-like-on-the-surface/

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