Tag: Occupy Toronto

Toronto Protesters Go Wild: Drivers Intimidated, Windshield Smashed, Police Absent…

Earlier during this week one of Toronto’s most prolific professional protesters got into trouble with the police. He was stopped while allegedly running a red light on his bike- when asked for his identification he responded saying “who are you!”. This, of course, didn’t work out very well- moments later he was in handcuffs. His …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/02/toronto-protesters-go-wild-drivers-intimidated-windshield-smashed-police-absent/

Davyn Calfchild’s Dodgy Police Violence Claim… (feat. Zach Ruiter & Darryl Richardson)

For the first time in memory, Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouimet) missed his Occupy Toronto Livestream show last week. It’s unknown if he’s finally given up, or is simply taking a break- the Livestreamers have been a lot more cautious with their words lately, perhaps they’re getting tired of having their misdeeds exposed. But, never …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/29/davyn-calfchilds-dodgy-police-violence-claim-feat-zach-ruiter-darryl-richardson/

G20 Anarchists & Registered Charities Leave A Chilling Message At Kathleen Wynne’s Home

In 1970 it was exposed that two companies polluted Ontario’s English-Wabigoon water system with methyl mercury- a substance they used to create caustic soda and chlorine for pulp mills. With an abundance of hydro electricity the most cost effective option was to use mercury based solution- despite the availability of other technologies. The people of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/26/g20-anarchists-registered-charities-leave-a-chilling-message-at-kathleen-wynnes-home/

[UPDATED] Ontario Common Front: Where Unions, Activists & Anarchists Converge…

Update/Correction: Dan Beaudoin is not a member of the Indignants, but is very close with them. The Ontario Common Front describes itself as “a coalition of over 90 community groups and labour unions that represent millions of Ontarians”. Looking at their list of endorsing organizations one will see many Ontario unions- but, also, some of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/20/ontario-common-front-where-unions-intersect-with-activists-anarchists-feat-the-indignants/

More Laughs From Swamp Line 9 ‘Know Nothing’ Protesters (feat. Occupy Toronto Livestream)

On Thursday afternoon Ezra Levant did an epic show on Sun News sharing his discovery that the people fighting against Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline reversal had very little idea what they were protesting about. One person had the misguided belief that the oil would be filled with abrasive sand. Mike Roy of the London Ontario …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/17/more-laughs-from-swamp-line-9-know-nothing-protesters-feat-occupy-toronto-livestream/

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