Here’s a letter I posted to all of the people at Occupy Toronto- that is, all of those who I could reach. It seems, unfortunately, that some of the people who consider themselves as leaders in our leaderless organisation have decided to practice conviction without trial. So, contrary to our agreement, they blocked my ability …
Tag: Occupy Toronto
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Feb 24
United Steelworkers Dance To Support Usury!
When the original holders of the Infinity Rubber factory went bankrupt, a new buyer took it over at a significantly discounted price. The new owner financed their payment through a rather predatory loan.The rate for this loan was set at 18%- usury!
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Feb 14
United Steel Workers Made Me Feel Cheap Today…
Each time a union pulls-out a video camera at an Occupy event it leaves me feeling used. Not a good kind of used either- more the kind of used a prisoner would feel after dropping the soap in Coalinga State Hospital. We had a similar incident in Vancouver during CUPE‘s national convention. There was a …
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